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why is this happening!!!!!

i got a hab plant. the last 2 days when i return home. i found leaves on the floor ,good healty looking leaves. its giving me a dejavu of another hab plant i had.:((( that plant just died last week after 2 months of suffering.
please help
I had a similar thing with one of my orange habs last week. Every single leaf fell off overnight, all green healthy ones. All the habs stayed on the plant though. The only thing I did that day was give it some feed which was no different to normal. None of the other plants were affected.

It's grown a load of new leaves back since then and seems to be doing well.

I have no idea if it's connected with the feeding or not ?
Noshownate said:
any pics srin?


its a night picture. will try to get a better pic tomorrow

more than half the leaves have dropped.
I had a red savina and scotch bonnett that did the same thing. I fed some calcium and magnesium and now a month later they are producing pods.
rds040800 said:
I had a red savina and scotch bonnett that did the same thing. I fed some calcium and magnesium and now a month later they are producing pods.


Had a plant drops it's leaves very fast one day, gave it a shot of dolomite in the soil and epsom salt + water sprayed on leaves.

Little over a week later it was full of healthy leaves, and flower buds.
I'm in Thai and I have lots of troble with to little Calcium in the ( lets call it dirt ) here. Have had troble with a few of my Chilies but now I'm grinding up egg shell and put it in a new mix for soil. Has not been long enough to tell. You can Pm me and I hope to see how your chilies are doing in similer condishions...

Had 3 Bhut Jolokia seedlings in 7 days.
can i use a different source of calcium ?

I just added ground prawn shells (fish meal ) to the plant and also some hand crushed egg shells. I have yet to see dolomite here.
Eggshells are VERY SLOW releasers of calcium, you need to get any type of Lime, that should be much faster.

I would first make sure it's not a soil pH problem first, it should be near an ideal 6.5 to 6.8.

If it's too high, adding Lime will only make things worse... I use Diluted white vinegar (Tablespoon or so per gallon) to lower the pH.
latest update on this plant


the plant just died last week. :( i tried to adjust the ph level of the soil from 5.5 and i manage to get the soil to 7.5 but after that the plants started to wither and leave dropping (good green leaves) whenever i water i see leaves dropping till no more leaves of the plant.
i thought is was recovering when i saw small leaves appearing and it stayed stunted.

after that the stems started to turn yellow from the tips to the main stem and ....... :(
closing this thread.

another same type plant gone...
Novacastrian said:
Dude thats pretty harsh, i hate seeing stuff like that happen. My condolences.

thanks Nova.

you did mention something in one of your threads regarding you learned the hard way ...on plant not harden yet. Can i know what happen to that plant of yours?
Truth be told i am just really bad at hardening off, i tend to put them out in full sun too early and they don't like it! They tend to get stunted and seem to take forever to grow.

I am not sure of the plant that you want to know about but i did have a prik-kee-nu (spelling) or rats turd as they are called go all haywire on me. It's leaves curled up horribly and it looked as though it had ingested radium, even the pods looked weird. I never figured out what caused it though as i had many plants growing in the same patch of soil and they grew really good, maybe a genetic malfunction or similar.

I would really like to know what happened to your plant though, it seems very strange that it would just up and die like that.
Novacastrian said:
Truth be told i am just really bad at hardening off, i tend to put them out in full sun too early and they don't like it! They tend to get stunted and seem to take forever to grow.

I am not sure of the plant that you want to know about but i did have a prik-kee-nu (spelling) or rats turd as they are called go all haywire on me. It's leaves curled up horribly and it looked as though it had ingested radium, even the pods looked weird. I never figured out what caused it though as i had many plants growing in the same patch of soil and they grew really good, maybe a genetic malfunction or similar.

I would really like to know what happened to your plant though, it seems very strange that it would just up and die like that.

i was thinking that my plant was not harden off at all . when i brought it from a nursery it was in under shade there. when i planted it in my house i was giving it half day of direct sun and it started to dropped good green leaves and one of its branch broke off so easily also. the new leaves were all stunted and it took like forever to grow. hmm actually it did not progress much at all and it just deteriorate from there. this its the second of the same variety from the same nursery to die like that. my avatar is the picture of the pods from this plant. i got some seeds from the plant so i have already put some in to the ground and waiting for it to sprout. maybe if i take care from the beginning , it might have a better change to survive.