• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.

Happy New Year, 2021!
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Thanks for the welcome, @ChilliCrosser!

I'm leaving the seeds I have dropped until I shut
down the grow shelf. Same for the AeroGarden.
I'm giving the lance enough rope to hang itself :rofl:
If I ever get a lanceolatum to grow, it will definitely
be an OW. I don't want to go through this every

Hoping for the Red Tepin as well, but they should
have sprouted by now, being annuums.
I'm about to embark on a BOLD adventure...get it "bold" :D
Seeds of Lanceolateum & Tovarii to hit the ground (soil) running...seeds compliments of a special friend,he
Knows I appreciate those seeds..big time...tomorrow is planned date of furrowing 1/22/22

Trying the Aerogarden & also heating pad for the lanceolatum..2 different ways...a test of sorts...I grew Lance
5 yrs ago no issues...from Semillas...quick germination...maybe it's a diiferent strain???maybe Covid got in
there and a new Lanceoateum variant is born...lord who knows..when you find out PLMK???

Tovarii I don't think that will cut it in the AG...it needs a LONGER incubation period or whatever it's called
IMO...don't have any other wilds on board ..nothing new..duh....bored I am...so I wander into the Scotch Bo
territory...considering I have some Scottish blood ...just a tiny...but enough to make it a fun time this Summer.
Not ready to GLOG IN '22 yet.
WISH me luck...I need it with these "playing hard to germinate seeds.:party:💃:dance:
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Good luck with the tough ones, Wiri! I have my new Tovarii sprout, but nary a peep from the Lanceolatum and it's been some time. Fortunately, my 3yo Lanceolatum is growing back well after a savage late-season rabbit attack left it just a bundle of stubs. I'm happy not to be 100% dependent on the Lance seeds given how uncooperative as they've been so far. I still figure they'll come around eventually, though.

A few pic's

A Wild Baccatum that just popped. This one took a good while; I'd expected it to be quicker. Happy to see the cotyledon split as I've had a few helmet heads over last month or two.
20220121 WBacc203.jpg

At the other end of the spectrum, ripe Flexuosum berries from the OW crew.
20220120 Flexuosum.jpg

One Texas Rice is showing some anthocyanin - perhaps it's a brown rice?
20220120 Texas Rice.jpg

The other Rice's are much more green, like this one
20220120 TexasRice N.jpg

A couple more of the Uvalde Pequin sprouted - always good to have back-up
20220120 Uvalde Pequin.jpg

And the new Tovarii seems to be chugging along fine
20220120 Tovarii.jpg
@CaneDog - Looks like you have lift-off, my friend!
Those fuzzy little babies look great!

@Wiriwiri - Good luck with your wild adventure.
Always fun trying new things, so enjoy the Scotch
Bonnet experience, lassie!
Good luck with the tough ones, Wiri! I have my new Tovarii sprout, but nary a peep from the Lanceolatum and it's been some time. Fortunately, my 3yo Lanceolatum is growing back well after a savage late-season rabbit attack left it just a bundle of stubs. I'm happy not to be 100% dependent on the Lance seeds given how uncooperative as they've been so far. I still figure they'll come around eventually, though.

A few pic's

A Wild Baccatum that just popped. This one took a good while; I'd expected it to be quicker. Happy to see the cotyledon split as I've had a few helmet heads over last month or two.
20220121 WBacc203.jpg

At the other end of the spectrum, ripe Flexuosum berries from the OW crew.
20220120 Flexuosum.jpg

One Texas Rice is showing some anthocyanin - perhaps it's a brown rice?
20220120 Texas Rice.jpg

The other Rice's are much more green, like this one
20220120 TexasRice N.jpg

A couple more of the Uvalde Pequin sprouted - always good to have back-up
20220120 Uvalde Pequin.jpg

And the new Tovarii seems to be chugging along fine
20220120 Tovarii.jpg
CD...always with such impressive starts...the TOV is a rather healthy looking youngster...con't success.
...I wander into the Scotch Bo
territory...considering I have some Scottish blood ...just a tiny...but enough to make it a fun time this Summer.
Not ready to GLOG IN '22 yet.
WISH me luck...I need it with these "playing hard to germinate seeds.:party:💃:dance:

Scotch bonnets... never a bad idea! :party:

One Texas Rice is showing some anthocyanin - perhaps it's a brown rice?
20220120 Texas Rice.jpg

That's one to keep an eye on!
That will be a great plant this summer!
I am not growing the Uvalde Wild this season cuz
I have a couple of other tepin varieties in the dirt.
Next year, though. It was an awesome, early producer.

@stickman swears by those pots.
What exactly is uvalde wild? I googled it but all I seem to get is a location in Texas...🤔
It is an annuum v Glabriusculum Tepin/Pequin variety that
grows wild near Uvalde, Texas.

Crafty Fox put some on the seed train a couple of years ago.
I still may try to grow one this season when I start up the
annuums, with an eye to overwintering next winter.
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I have been tossing around the idea of a community thread
devoted to wild pepper varieties. I know there have been
various wild pepper grow logs, but I am looking for a place
in which anyone who is interested or is growing wild peppers
as part of their grow can post. Hopefully it will become a place
where some good information about growing wild peppers can
be found. Similar in scope to the more focused Purple Thunder
and Trippaul Threat community grows, but more general.

With all the crossing going on in the chili pepper world, both
intentional and accidental, it is sometimes hard to find some
of the good old varieties in their original form. Yellow 7 comes
to mind. In that light, I think it is important to preserve the wild
pepper lineages. I am interested in isolating and producing true
to variety stock. I already know some of the 'wilds' I grew in
2020 were crosses.

I hope anyone who is interested this topic will chime in.

CAP1141 c. praetermissum, Brazil
Im with you on this brother, it seems a lot of our varieties are crossed and people seem to want it that way to a certain extent as well. Wild peppers really interest me, I havent grown any yet, but some day soon Im gonna try me some.
Im with you on this brother, it seems a lot of our varieties are crossed and people seem to want it that way to a certain extent as well. Wild peppers really interest me, I havent grown any yet, but some day soon Im gonna try me some.

The THP forum is a good place to start.
There are a number of folk sharing this
interest, who are willing to help others
get started walking on the wild side.
The THP forum is a good place to start.
There are a number of folk sharing this
interest, who are willing to help others
get started walking on the wild side.
Well said Paul...there is a lot of info., here & if I can offer any advise WITHOUT being asked ...many Wilds take
forever & a day to germinate...so the best quality for a prospective "WILDIE" is PATIENCE...that being said it's
so exciting to see the emergence of say one like TOVARII..after 6 to 8 weeks.it never ceases to make me:D with glee.
Welcome Phillip.
Haven’t shown the volunteer wilds for awhile.

Both of these came from 2020 berries that overwintered
outside in a 20-gallon container. In the late Spring / early
Summer of 2021 three plants sprouted where there were
three wild peppers. One, a Tepin, was eaten by rodents,
but these were saved and put in 4” pots, later transferred
to #1NC or 2-liter pots.

Presumed Yellow Pequin.

Presumed Capucinno Chiltepín.

This one sprouted from a fresh berry in November,
so this seed didn’t overwinter.