• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.

Happy New Year, 2021!
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The volunteer purple flower c. chacoense after topping.

I’m thinking that this c. eximium might get the
same treatment. Starting to get lanky. Maybe
trim and keep in a small pot?
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Fuzzy pics are the best, CC. Good stuff!

Cap 212 Chacoense are growing quickly.
20220110 CAP212.jpg

This CAP 524 Chacoense came up with a helmet that's stuck hard, but it's been growing it's way out and looks out of danger.
Plus now I have backup.
20220110 CAP524.jpg

This Tovarii was slow to stand upright, staying bent down for days, but is now transplanted and seems to be chugging along fine. Reminds me a bit of a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tubeman in this pic - but maybe that's just me :)
20220110 Tovarii.jpg

Eximium CGN 19198
20220110 CGN19198.jpg

And this PaulG's Pequin just stepped up - my first time growing this one.
20220110 PaulGPequin.jpg
Great things happening there, Mr Dog!
Is that the Yellow Pequin? I forgot which
one I sent. All those little wild starts look
nice and perky.
Thanks, they're slowing making their appearances and seem to be doing alright.

I think the Pequin is the one you referred to as the Pequin/Tepin and not the yellow Pequin, but I'm not 100% on that.
Thanks, they're slowing making their appearances and seem to be doing alright.

I think the Pequin is the one you referred to as the Pequin/Tepin and not the yellow Pequin, but I'm not 100% on that.
I'm pretty sure it's the Tepin, later id'd as
Pequin by @CraftyFox. Elongated red pods.
The Uvalde Wild?? I'm staying with 'Wild Ann g.' :doh:

I see I'm falling behind again.. So many fuzzy little sprouts!!
Here's a couple of my recent Uvalde clones.. I think I lost the big motherplant, so kind of a rebirth, of sorts. I still the other older one, but no clones of it.

C.Flexuosum helmet head survivor shows it wants to live.

And its new friend, another flex, 50 days to emerge. This grow block seems determined to grow algae, wet from H2O2 hit before the photo. Quick one so not great quality snap! Still glad to have a couple of flex on the go eventually. Now C.Lanceolatum and C.Tovarii need to take note.
C.Flexuosum helmet head survivor shows it wants to live.

And its new friend, another flex, 50 days to emerge. This grow block seems determined to grow algae, wet from H2O2 hit before the photo. Quick one so not great quality snap! Still glad to have a couple of flex on the go eventually. Now C.Lanceolatum and C.Tovarii need to take note.
Congrats CC...you did it.:D.that is one tough mother of a seed to germinate...in the same category as Tovarii...
but that being said I give the Tovarii better odds...b/c it eventually finds it way to push out of the soil after 40+/- days,
or in my case 3 yrs ago 72days...the Lanceolateum seeds are hard to crack...so proceed with caution to keep
them alive & growing/going...I'm rooting for you ..keep us posted...I hope to plant seeds too...'GRATS AGAIN.
Lanceolateum seeds IMO loose viability real fast...what do others think???
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Thanks @Wiriwiri, I've grown C.Flexuosum several times before so knew what I was in for. Have also grown C.Galapagoense as well, so know of germination fun. Have tried C.Tovarii a few times before without luck but this year it will happen, C.Lanceolatum is a new one for me but confident I'll get some to pop real-soon-now.

I have more options to keep things going, or at least non-frozen, in the off-season now so should be better going forward.
I have many C. Galap plants ...as in ~6 at least...fresh seeds (mine)so they germinate real fast...my favorite ALL time WILD.
I'm OWing a Tovarii,so far so good but I got some fresh seeds so soon the seeds along with Lance will hit dirt.....
I need at least one other Tovarii in my life.:P
C.Flexuosum helmet head survivor shows it wants to live.

And its new friend, another flex, 50 days to emerge. This grow block seems determined to grow algae, wet from H2O2 hit before the photo. Quick one so not great quality snap! Still glad to have a couple of flex on the go eventually. Now C.Lanceolatum and C.Tovarii need to take note.
I'm a bit jealous. We need to swap plants 😂.
I have two c. tovari up and growing (39 and 44 days),
but my flex and lance first sowings are at 42 and 46
days, respectively, and still sleeping. Dropped a second
round in theAeroGarden on Jan. 4, so barely getting
started there!
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@PaulG I’m sure we’ll have a capsicum forest between us soon. I had no signs of that second one, nothing showing yesterday and almost fully up now. I’ll be starting a few more of different types in next week or so. I had a super weak Cappuccino Chiltepin pop but quickly failed, so will try some more of those.