Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.
Happy New Year, 2021!
I will post more about this in a couple of days.
Happy New Year, 2021!
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Amashito is not grown where I live. Most Mexicans associate amashito with the state of Tabasco. The Chiapas area referred to in that publication is the border zone (North Chiapas) with Tabasco. I'm near the coast in the south.Did a little more digging and found this. Maybe
@ahayastani is familiar with this one since it is endemic
in Chiapas.
Very cool to see a new wild variety in these pages,
@Anders. Very nice looking plant. Was there any
mention of It’s source location? SW USA or Mexico?
I will be looking forward to seeing more about this one!
edit: Did a little more digging and found this. Maybe
@ahayastani is familiar with this one since it is endemic
in Chiapas.
Thanks for the link! Really interesting. I would be happy to share some seeds after the season if anyone else wants to grow this one next season to preserve the genetics. (not my stupid cross, but the actual Amashito)The article I linked in post #628 states a concern that germ
plasm from some of the morphological types are becoming
scarce due to pressures on the environment. For me, the
attraction to growing wild varieties is the opportunity to con-
serve some of the wild varieties. The annuum v Glabriusculum
is a fascinating branch of the chili family tree to me, I guess
since they are the grandaddy of all the other chili types. Per-
haps it merits a grow log thread of it's own, there are so many
varieties. That research I linked to is really an interesting read,
highly recommend it..
Also been looking to find some on my C.Galapagoense, no signs of pods yetThe c. galapagoense has been dropping flowers forever, so never expected to find this.
Couldn't find any others, but maybe...?