• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.

Happy New Year, 2021!
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A couple of shots of the Baccatum baccatum (CP203). I'm guessing I'll see some flowers in the next few days. The other Baccatum baccatum 'Bird Aji' I have is growing a little faster than these are, keeping pace with the Lemon Drops that were planted at the same time. They all took the hit from that calcium spray, but most have rebounded quite nicely.
These are the only 2 of these I've ever had, one from each batch of seeds.

The Uvalde Wild AnnG are flowering too, but I don't have any decent pictures to share of them currently. Still need to build that isolation chamber.. Probably on my dance card for today.
Nice little baccatum specimens, Tyler! I will
try to get a pic of my Uvalde plants today.
Interesting results from the seeds I collected
from your original.
Your 203 is looking good! One of mine is just starting to bud as well, but only at the most early stages. The Uvalde "X" from the seeds you sent me, however, is already sporting a second round of pods. I saved isolated seeds from the first round and hope a following generation will maintain the characteristics, as it's been a good one.
I thought I'd post a pic of the crossed Uvalde, which has already started to ripen a few peppers on round two.

@CraftyFox, in recognition of the very apt "de-sorta" name you gave to my crossed rocoto deseda I sent you, I thought I'd dub this one
"uvald-ain't." ;)
20220806 Uvald-aint.jpg

Wild Brazil Orange set just two pods while inside, then stopped abruptly on the transition outside. Hopefully it will return to flowering soon.
20220806 WBO.jpg

And while there's nothing too special about the flowers on this chacoense most prolific, one of the background leaves (middle left) caught my eye as looking much like a lanceolatum leave. I hadn't realized previously that the CMP had such spiky leaves up close. This guy's starting to ramp up flower production and sets and will hopefully soon live up to its name.
20220806 ChacMP.jpg
Chiltepin Hermosillo Dwarf is showing two or three ripe pods per day, now. They are deciduous and delicious. Hm. Thread slogan idea: “Grow Wilds, They’re Decidulicious!”


They are filling out very nicely, as well. A pleasant form which nonetheless exhibits a certain “sheltering under a mesquite tree in the Sonoran desert” scragginess. I should get out the tape measure for a real number, but they’re getting relatively tall for what I thought counted as a dwarf. (These are two gallon grow bags.)


They’re really growing on me!
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I thought I'd post a pic of the crossed Uvalde, which has already started to ripen a few peppers on round two.

@CraftyFox, in recognition of the very apt "de-sorta" name you gave to my crossed rocoto deseda I sent you, I thought I'd dub this one
"uvald-ain't." ;)

Wild Brazil Orange set just two pods while inside, then stopped abruptly on the transition outside. Hopefully it will return to flowering soon.
I never got around to the Wild Brazil varieties this year, between the aphids and weather, I completely forgot about them until a couple weeks ago. I'm really on the fence on whether to try germinating them now, or just waiting until late winter.

Those Uvald-ain't look great! Are they juicy like the Uvalde? Are they Decidulicous? I'd be curious to know how easy they clone too, if you ever mess with them like that. I should have the newbie Gen 2 Uvalde potted today and isolating in about a week. The first one has gotten a little beyond now, unless I hack it back. (Which I might!)
They’re really growing on me!
There certainly growing for you!
I never got around to the Wild Brazil varieties this year, between the aphids and weather, I completely forgot about them until a couple weeks ago. I'm really on the fence on whether to try germinating them now, or just waiting until late winter.

Those Uvald-ain't look great! Are they juicy like the Uvalde? Are they Decidulicous? I'd be curious to know how easy they clone too, if you ever mess with them like that. I should have the newbie Gen 2 Uvalde potted today and isolating in about a week. The first one has gotten a little beyond now, unless I hack it back. (Which I might!)
The wild brazil yellow grows tall like a tree and produces well, but has taken a little time in getting there, at least for me. The wild brazil orange has taken it's DS time about producing, but with the aphigeddon I experienced indoors it's hard to assess what it would have done under better circumstances - I havn't grown it before. I wouldn't count on either getting the job done particularly quickly. WBO seems to have slightly bigger pods. IIRC, WBY became very deciduous late in the season when the weather got chilly.

Those Uvaldain't have been great so far. I don't remember whether they were deciduous in the first, indoor round. I'll pay more attention when I pull a few more, which shouldn't be long now as a couple have just turned red. I'll be tasting them for the first time, as I simply dried the first round for seeds. I'm hopeful that the Uvalde's wild Texas heat will pair with good flavor and these guys will be a real winner.
My first Tuxtlas flower, nestled in among the foliage.
20220809 Tuxtlas.jpg

Eximium CAP 1491
20220809 Ex1491.jpg

Another pic of the 1491. Seems every flower sets every time on these.
20220809 RCAP1491.jpg

The Eximium CGN 19198 is also getting down to business.
20220809 EX19198B.jpg

As is CGN 22795
20220809 CGN22795.jpg

My first Tovarii pod is ripening.
20220809 Tovarii.jpg

And my old Lanceolatum remains a conveyor belt of consistent, if modest production. I have a new Lance this year that's doing great, but this guy's been around for years and hopefully will be for many more.
20220809 Lance.jpg

20220809 Lance1.jpg

20220809 Lance2.jpg
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This is a true Uvalde Wild(<yr old clone) The roots on my smaller clone didn't look too hot when I transplanted her, so moving to plan B for the isolation.. This plant will produce more anyway. Might as well start some clones too, since I have the snips going. This year we'll be separating those that are touching the net, and those that are 'untouchable' inside the net.


My Pequin Uvalde (my seeds from 2020) plants are
both crossed, I think. The green plant is tall and rangy
with much larger leaves The flowers are white, and
the pods a little larger and not erect.

The 'purple'plant definitely picked up some genetics from one ofmy purple varieties.

Edit: Add 'purple' uvalde fower. In real life, there are
faint purple lines on the backs of the petals.

You can see a little purple on the flower bud in this picture.

Neither plant has erect pods like my original from
@Crafty Fox did. Would really like to grow a true
variety of these. Going to have to see if there are
any of his original seeds left in my Wilds box.
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Those stems look sweet! Are those pods chocolate from sun, or from jump? They look pretty tasty!
The dark pods are purple on the sunny side,
green on the shady side. They are larger than
the original from your seeds. Pods grow hori-
zontally, and leaves are more pequin sized.
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c. eximium (CAP 500) has grown a lot in the
heat waves. #2NC container (about 1.5 gal.)
Handles the heat waves pretty well. Another
one coming next week, so it will have an op-
portunity to do so, again.

H x W: 42" x 41" (107 cm x 105 cm)

Toothy calyx and beautiful flowers.


Seems to be setting berries pretty consistently.
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