• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.

Happy New Year, 2021!
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c. eximium (CAP 500) has grown a lot in the
heat waves. #2NC container (about 1.5 gal.)
Handles the heat waves pretty well. Another
one coming next week, so it will have an op-
portunity to do so, again.

H x W: 42" x 41" (107 cm x 105 cm)

Toothy calyx and beautiful flowers.


Seems to be setting berries pretty consistently.
Good to see your CAP 500 delivering the goods. Mine are doing fine with pods too but since a few of our heatwaves seem to be discarding leaves in the heat.
Good to see your CAP 500 delivering the goods. Mine are doing fine with pods too but since a few of our heatwaves seem to be discarding leaves in the heat.
It is one of the bright spots in the grow season
this Summer. It has dropped leaves, as well, but
the chinenses and bushy wilds have dropped so
many it sometimes looks like Fall on the deck.
For most of the plants, the big leaves are gone.

Found the original Uvalde Wild seed last night..
I know PaulG and CaneDog need some true ones.. I've got enough here to share with a few other people too. There was no other peppers growing in her yard, so I'd like to see you pull a hybrid off these.
You are my hero, @CraftyFox!!

I'm still going to dive into the box and see
if I have any of the original seed I got from
the seed train. Will let you know. My original
plant grew true to your OW above. I hadn't
thought of taking cuttings.
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These have probably been one of the easiest peppers to do cuttings on, for me.. Maybe because of the tiny leaves, but I can usually get 50% without really watching or babying them much. Last year I managed one with a bunch of peppers still on it. I really need to build a bucket cloner though, because the Aerogarden never goes on sale around here.
A brace of c. flexuosum, pic from 8/4.
H x W: 21” x 30” (53 cm x 75”)
H x W: 32” x 35” (80cm x 87cm)
#2NC containers:

The larger plant is very intolerant of sun, gets
wilted even under the canopy’s filtered light.
There is a berry or two buried inside the small-
er plant’s foliage, otherwise just dropping hun-
dreds of flowers all Spring and Summer long.
Red Tepin (@Pr0digal_son) in an 8” clay bulb
pan. A very slow grower from the get-go, so
was never topped. When it finally forked, it
was a triple. No flowers, yet, hoping for some
pods off this one. Pic taken 8/4.

H xW: 29” x 12” (75cm x 30cm):

This Red Tepin was a fast grower, so had to be
topped early on. Has turned into a massive bush
in a #10 nursery container. I have no idea how
many branch tips there are. This plant is throw-
ing some large pods. Pic 8/6.

H x W: 39” x 35” (100cm x 88cm):
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CAP 524, c. chacoense. Pic taken 8/4. No
flowers, yet, but it is purported to like flower-
ing and setting fruit in colder temperatures,
so maybe Fall weather will prompt some of
the same.
H x W: 29” x 26” (73cm x 65cm):

Has always been a great looking plant,
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Those guys are looking great, Paul. Nice to see the full-body shots with good backgrounds. My PF Chacoense just started to flower a few days ago, so there's hope for it getting to the finish line this season.
@CaneDog - I know what you mean, It's hard to
get a good full bush pic when the plants are grow-
ing close together. PITA to move plants just for a pic :rolleyes:

The c. chacoense purple flower is a volunteer. The
parent plant is just starting to put on some pods,
but its place in direct sun isn't making it happy.
This little volunteer looks to be true to type and
will definitely be an OW this winter.

Your pics have been awesome, Mr. McDog. I feel
small and insignificant. JK, I always like your glog
pics! Keep 'em coming!
My Pequin Uvalde (my seeds from 2020) plants are
both crossed, I think. The green plant is tall and rangy
with much larger leaves The flowers are white, and
the pods a little larger and not erect.

The 'purple'plant definitely picked up some genetics from one of my purple varieties.

Edit: Add 'purple' uvalde fower. In real life, there are
faint purple lines on the backs of the petals.

You can see a little purple on the flower bud in this picture.

Neither plant has erect pods like my original from
@Crafty Fox did. Would really like to grow a true
variety of these. Going to have to see if there are
any of his original seeds left in my Wilds box.
Here’s a shot of the Pequin Uvalde ‘purple’.
Looks to me like it crossed with the same
pepper as the volunteer Yellow Pequin! Pods
very similar. Pic on 8/4, #2 NC container.

H x W: 25” x 40” (63cm x 100cm):