• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.

Happy New Year, 2021!
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Nah, keep 'em coming. I have very little
happening in my own grow at the moment,
so seeing what I can look forward to is good.
+1. photo-bomb away, Mr. CC. It's great to see what's happening with your grow.

My purple corolla clades are only now starting to bud and flower. Eximium 19198 is leading the charge. Hopefully others will follow quickly.

Eximium 19198

20220718 Ex19198 B.jpg

Looking promising for good pollination.
Ex19198 P.jpg
Wild production activity has been on the rise, recently. Hopefully the mid 90F's we're experiencing after so much cooler weather won't upset their rhythm. I have many of these guys positioned for morning sun and afternoon shade and a couple spoiled ones are even getting chauffeured to the cooler inside temperatures around noon each day.

Baccatum Fragilis showing decent pollen production - and getting spoiled.
20220726 BaccFrag.jpg

20220726 BaccFrag2.jpg

Eximium CAP 1491
20220726 CAP1491.jpg

USDA Cardenasii
20220726 CardBGen.jpg

20220726 CardBGenCU.jpg

The outdoor OW Lanceolatum has been a conveyor belt of pod production; not a bunch at a time, but consistently a handful at each of the various stages of production.
20220726 LanceRed.jpg

20220726 LanceGreen.jpg

Chacoense CAP 212 is starting on an outdoor round after an isolated first round ripened indoors.
20220726 Chac212.jpg

And the Eximium CGN 19198 seems to be getting down to business
20220726 Ex19198.jpg

20220726 Ex19198B.jpg

I would describe Bird’s Eye Baby as a heavily branched, dwarf C. annuum var. glabriusculum with unusually small leaves and pequin shaped fruit. I suspect the heavy branching and tiny leaves have been selected from a wild glabriusculum starting point.

I wanted to post a correction to this, to avoid spreading misinformation. The ripe fruit are decidedly not deciduous, which is not allowed for in the glabriusculum type description. The lanceolate leaves are also out of type.

It’s a rather gorgeous dwarf pequin, albeit C. annuum var. annuum.
The foliage on your Tovarii looks super healthy - not to slight the others ;) How tall is that guy getting?
Thanks, I hide all the bad plants just left of frame every time :rofl:

It's not that tall, under 3ft at a guess. IIRC it's in a 5L pot. It has a very bent stem up top as another non-pepper plant had fallen into it at some point and before I noticed it'd diverted itself horizontally before growing upwards again. Who needs bonchi wire.