• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.

Happy New Year, 2021!
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A lot of your plants seem to have nice dark green colors, do you use epsom salts or any other Mg fertilizers?
The Flexuosum is gorgeous!
I did water in a little Epsom Salts one time a while
back to some of the plants. I generally use a combo
fertilizer - AK Fish Fertilizer, AK Mor-Bloom, Botanicare
Cal-Mag and Silica Blast.

Plants are growing under T5HO 6500K(?) grow lamps.
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I did water in a little Epsom Salts one time a while
back to some of the plants. I generally use a combo
fertilizer - AK Fish Fertilizer, AK Mor-Bloom, Botanicare
Cal-Mag and Silica Blast.

Plants are growing under T5HO 6500K(?) grow lamps.
They sure seem to be happy with the treatment they receive!
Having good cooperation from the Lanceolatum recently. My only seed to sprout so far came up with a helmet head, but after two applications of a thin peat moss layer over it the seed coat sloughed off easily after the second reemergence. The sprout seems happy now - and spikey.

20220302 Lance2.jpg

And the old Lanceolatum is flowering. Only a few so far, but the open flowers are dropping good pollen. Hopefully it will start setting pods.
20220227 Lance.jpg

20220227 Lance4.jpg
Lanceolatum has seemed to be tough for most everyone this season. My seeds were from 2020 and it took over two months just to get this one to sprout. Hope yours come through for you soon.

BTW - I like your Eximium x Cardenasii on the previous page. I ran a similar cross a couple seasons back with a CAP 1491 x USDA Cardenasii and it showed a fairly dominant Cardenasii influence, having the more willowy branching habits and more rounded, glabrous leaves. I'm curious to see how yours develops.
BTW - I like your Eximium x Cardenasii on the previous page. I ran a similar cross a couple seasons back with a CAP 1491 x USDA Cardenasii and it showed a fairly dominant Cardenasii influence, having the more willowy branching habits and more rounded, glabrous leaves. I'm curious to see how yours develops.
Yes should be interesting, I have a couple of those plants started. It's not a cross of my own, so not sure what the exact parent accessions were but might be able to find out. It was labelled as F2.
My last chance at a c. lanceolatum got algae growing
on the hook in the AeroGarden. The seed caps were just
too tight for either of the sprouts to make it :tear:

Maybe next season :mope::banghead:
Oh no, that's not good @PaulG
I've had two that seem to have germinated but not managed to even hook properly. I still have a few other batches going, trying a few things with them like wider temperature fluctuations. I'm staying determined/patient/optimistic/delusional**

** delete as applicable
Yes, the rocoto and praetermissum flowers
are generally very attractive, (edit: as are many
other wild varieties. One of the reasons I enjoy
growing them!)
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Topped this CGN 22795 white flower c. praetermissum
a while back.The new foliage is much improved. All three
of the praets have not been real robust, lots of curly, bunch-
ed up leaves at the apical node. I have not topped the other
2 yet, waiting to see how they do as we carry on.

Transplanted the second c. tovari to a 2-litere pot a few
days ago. Now have two decent Tovari's to go forward


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This for you, @CraftyFox...

Pequin 'Uvalde' pair. Will be transplanted
very soon into double cups. Both of these
seeds came from the same berry.

Last season, the Uvalde was in the vicinity of the purple
flower c. chacoense and some c. praetermissum. Also
some Trippaul Threat plants not too far away, so anybody's
guess where the purple foliage came from.
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