seed-train WILD THING (seed train now boarding)

CAPCOM said:
No. Not robbed. But it did shrink considerably when it was growing. Beside that, it got in pretty FU**ED up shape since it left here half way through the route.
The rules are explicit and have been further revised on page #1. Anyone that cannot follow or chooses not follow them please let me know now and you will be removed.
I would really like to know at what point this thing got so screwed up. I found a ridiculous quantity of correctly labeled seed packets intermixed in zip locks with other members correctly labeled seeds packets. And I have a half a pound of seed packets with NO user info at all!  And as it were, these same packets were scattered all over and inter mixed in with identifiable users zip lock bags. When it left here at mid point it was very well organized and impressive.
I will not send this out till everyone has read the rules and PMs  or posts that they have. My apologies to all those have followed procedure and have to endure this but the rules have changes somewhat and I have to be fare.
Bag of seed packets with no user ID
Did the wilds and semi-wilds get ransacked?
The seed train did arrive in Virgina on 3/9. Dulac, you need to post status updates to the thread so all participants know what's happening. This includes next ship date w/Tracking number.
It's taken me much longer than I thought. I will definitely have it mailed on Monday. I promise to stock it really good. I'm sorry that it's taken me this long.
Current riders:
1.Dulac                   http://thehotpepper....ser/5934-dulac/
2.bucdout57           http://thehotpepper....0571-bucdout57/
3..AaronTT               http://thehotpepper....r/9717-aarontt/
4.mpicante              http://thehotpepper....10209-mpicante/
5.Babysas            http://thehotpepper..../10595-babysas/
7.coachspencerxc       http://thehotpepper....coachspencerxc/
8.jcw10tc                    http://thehotpepper....r/9395-jcw10tc/
9.JJJessee                 http://thehotpepper..../7802-jjjessee/
10.FGPepperguy       http://thehotpepper....80-fgpepperguy/
11.scorched              http://thehotpepper....10029-scorched/
12.WickedMike          http://thehotpepper....75-wicked-mike/
13.Scuba_Steve        http://thehotpepper....57-scuba-steve/
14. Joe Fish               http://thehotpepper....r/9125-joefish/
8. KevinH        
9.  ???????   Who gets it... I need an addy....
KevinH said:
9.  ???????   Who gets it... I need an addy....
Yeah, atm there is no rider #9/ could pm capcom for his addy, but i think that by the time the train gets near you, that spot'll fill up...
1.Dulac                   http://thehotpepper....ser/5934-dulac/       <<<<<  How does it go from here
2.bucdout57           http://thehotpepper....0571-bucdout57/
3..AaronTT               http://thehotpepper....r/9717-aarontt/
4.mpicante              http://thehotpepper....10209-mpicante/
5.Babysas            http://thehotpepper..../10595-babysas/
7.coachspencerxc       http://thehotpepper....coachspencerxc/
8.jcw10tc                    http://thehotpepper....r/9395-jcw10tc/
9.JJJessee                 http://thehotpepper..../7802-jjjessee/
10.FGPepperguy       http://thehotpepper....80-fgpepperguy/
11.scorched              http://thehotpepper....10029-scorched/
12.WickedMike          http://thehotpepper....75-wicked-mike/
13.Scuba_Steve        http://thehotpepper....57-scuba-steve/
14. Joe Fish               http://thehotpepper....r/9125-joefish/
15. KevinH                <<<<<<< to here?
16 .CAPCOM   

Runescape said:
Yeah, atm there is no rider #9/ could pm capcom for his addy, but i think that by the time the train gets near you, that spot'll fill up...
No, there is not. I shortened the list so we could get it on the track sooner. There is only 15