seed-train WILD THING (seed train now boarding)

Wicked Mike said:
Just sent it your way, Jeff. Tracking # is 9505511053515055450244. They said it should be there by Friday.

I'm sure everyone has had the experience of finding an errant seed or two and thinking, "hmm, I wonder what that is?" The bag labelled "Wicked Mike's Mystery Mix" contains those seeds, which could be literally anything from my collection.

I also included a few nonpepper seeds as well. For anyone growing tomatoes, Paul Robeson is the best tomato I've ever eaten. If I were only going to grow one plant, that would be it.
Whoa, I thought I was the only one!
Wicked Mike said:
Just sent it your way, Jeff. Tracking # is 9505511053515055450244. They said it should be there by Friday.

I'm sure everyone has had the experience of finding an errant seed or two and thinking, "hmm, I wonder what that is?" The bag labelled "Wicked Mike's Mystery Mix" contains those seeds, which could be literally anything from my collection.

I also included a few nonpepper seeds as well. For anyone growing tomatoes, Paul Robeson is the best tomato I've ever eaten. If I were only going to grow one plant, that would be it.
OK Mike, Thx
Train is on the way back. After it arrives, I am going to spend a little time relabeling my seed packs so we can get rid of that list and add some contents and supplies. Everyone should have, if they have not already contacted the next rider after themselves to obtain their shipping info.
New riders
Refer to page #1 and refresh yourselves with the rules and procedures.
I have removed the seed list, We no longer need it. Trust me the train is HUGE!
I have also posted the riders list there and will update the progress of the train there.
We are less than a week from round #2, ENJOY!
No. Not robbed. But it did shrink considerably when it was growing. Beside that, it got in pretty FU**ED up shape since it left here half way through the route.
The rules are explicit and have been further revised on page #1. Anyone that cannot follow or chooses not follow them please let me know now and you will be removed.
I would really like to know at what point this thing got so screwed up. I found a ridiculous quantity of correctly labeled seed packets intermixed in zip locks with other members correctly labeled seeds packets. And I have a half a pound of seed packets with NO user info at all!  And as it were, these same packets were scattered all over and inter mixed in with identifiable users zip lock bags. When it left here at mid point it was very well organized and impressive.
I will not send this out till everyone has read the rules and PMs  or posts that they have. My apologies to all those have followed procedure and have to endure this but the rules have changes somewhat and I have to be fare.

Bag of seed packets with no user ID
I have read the rules and accept.  I have sent my address to the previous member in the list quite some time ago, but have not received from the person I am to ship to.
I read the rules, accept, and have already sent my address to Wicked Mike. 
If anyone else would like my address so they can send me a giant box of seeds just let me know! :dance:
I accept.I have also contacted rider/member before me.So the seed packet labeling is the major problem here?I hope the seed packets I added are ok.CAPCOM please let me know if I labeled them correctly thanks.
I have sorted out all of the identifiable seeds and placed them in new zip lock sandwich bags. They have been marked in bold black marker with the THP user name of the originator of the seed pack. I have also affixed to the inside of the bag a green 2"x4" adhesive label also with the THP user name. I will do this accordingly for all participants but it is up to you to properly label the individual seed packets. Below it a pic of several excellent examples of what a properly labeled seed packet should look like.

Here is a link that might make things easier not only for seed packet identification but also seed plant id stakes. Avery has a free download that can be used with all their sheet labels.
Type in the seed info, print it and save it for the next train.
I also just sent out PMs to everyone on the next round, If it is in any way redundant, then please disregard. My attempt was to be consistent only.

JoeFish you need to empty your in box.
It would probably be a good idea if everyone checked their in boxes to assure when the time comes someone will be able to contact you prior to shipping the seeds to you or bypassing you because they couldn't.
I have read and agree to the rules. Sorry for the delayed response. And sorry to hear the train made it back in such bad shape. And thank you for the label template. Ill look at it more in depth at home. Just got a new printer so this will come in handy. Just hope I can make small labels as well. Thanks again CAPCOM.