beer WilliamsWarn Personal Brewery


For only $4,400... :cheers: :lol: :beer:
Anyone that would buy that is an idiot
Not an expert on home brewing, but brewing usually takes a lot of space. people here have built some sick setups, but they're in the garage. this would fit the kitchen and looks stylish.
Well let me go down the list

1. It uses pre-hopped malt extract for fermentation, which means no variability in styles of hops, IBU's, flavors, aromas, anything you could easily achieve from normal homebrewing.
2. You have to follow their specific recipes, being that all the ingredients comes pre-packaged in a single can. You can not alter any of the recipes being that there is no way to add any sort of specialty malts, sugars, spices, anything, because you are never mashing and you are never boiling.
3. From the video I watched on the home page, it looks like they have 3 recipes, and only 3 recipes.
4. It uses dried yeast that hasn't been rehydrated. Now you could go out and buy others, but almost no homebrew stores sell any dried yeast other than generic ale, lager, and wheat beer yeast.
5. You are restricted to making 23 liters at a time, which equates to around 5 gallons. BUT, lets say you drink all your beer, now you have to wait another 7 days until you have more beer to drink, because its the same fermentation and serving vessel.
4. The INSANE INSANE cost. Starting price on the homepage of the website is $5660.00. You can go to the store, buy yourself a proper homebrew kit with ingredients for around 100 dollars. In my entire setup I have, where I can literally be brewing 8 different beers at a single time, and have 8 others in kegs, it cost me probably 1800 dollars, and thats an extreme setup.

I am sure I can list some others if I look at it close enough, but you get my point.
And by far the worst part about it...

Its not even brewing. Its throwing a single can of pre-hopped liquid malt extract into a tin, filling it with water, and hitting the go button. Ask any single person that home brews, and they will agree with me 100 percent.
Dont get me wrong, it looks cool as hell, and is very convenient, but for that insane price and the lack of enjoyability you are going to have from repeating the same three recipes, its not worth it
Yeah how the dickens does it carbonate the booze? Im only an ametuer home brewer with little experience but i though that after brewing you needed to mature the beer to carbonate. CO2 injection?
7 day old beer just sounds wrong too.

Go stand in teh corner Omri!
Dont get me wrong, it looks cool as hell, and is very convenient, but for that insane price and the lack of enjoyability you are going to have from repeating the same three recipes, its not worth it

Ya know the first picture that came to mind when I saw this was of some Yuppie with a good income in his loft with 3 or 4 along the wall in his bar. For the rest of mankind, yeah not worth it. Especially when you can get something like Steve973 talking about at about half the price

and be able to do everything that wheebz mentions you cant do with this thing.
it carbonates by using the CO2 released during fermentation and pressurizing the fermenter at a certain psi level

a lot of breweries do this. Basically after day 4, cap off the fermenter and allow it to pressurize up to around 1.75 volumes, that way when you transfer to the brite tank, you use a lot less forced CO2
Very cool but not for the price. $20/ case of beer - lasts maybe 2 weeks so around 220 cases of beer or 440 weeks... so 8.5 years worth of beer and that doesn't even cover the ingredients to make it. Yep price doesn't add up for me either.