• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Windchicken 2013

Finally got me some lights and a heat mat...



The trays are the self-watering Burpee 32-cell type..Hopefully they will maintain more consistent moisture levels.

This is what I sowed:

C. chinense
MoA Scotch Bonnet (STEVE954), 6
Madame Jeanette (Meatfreak), 6
Bahamian Goat (FadeToBlack), 6
NagaBrain (romy6), 8
Trinidad Scorpion, 4
7 Pot Yellow, 8
Cumari do Para (capsidadburn), 8
Bonda ma Jacques x 7 Pot Yellow (Spicegeist), 4
Chupetinha, 4

C. annuum
Doux Tres Long des Landes (Meatfreak), 6
Poblano, 8
Zapotec Jalapeño, 12
Chiltepin, 8
California Wonder, 4
Chilhuacle Rojo, 8
Thai Garden Birdseed, 4
Ashe County Pimento (kentishman), 4
Kitchen Pepper (Datil), 4

C. baccatum
Aji Amarillo, 8

There are a few spots still open. Probably will sow NuMex 6-4 and some Morouga, because people are asking for it....
Hi Stefan! Glad to see you back!

If you haven't read about it elsewhere on THP, the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture Scotch Bonnet (MoA for short) came to us from THP member STEVE954 in Fort Lauderdale. The story of how he wore the people at the Ministry down until they finally agreed to give him some of their seeds is better told by him, but it is a testimony to perservernce for the greater good of the chile head community and evangelism for one of the world's great agricultural treasures, the True Jamaican Scotch Bonnet. (Please take a moment of reverent silence now. I'll wait.)

Any of us here who has dreamt of growing and enjoying the legendary Scotch Bonnet in the form which gave it its fabled mystique knows the frustration of working all season long only to end up with peppers which fall far short of their expectations. The Ministry has apparently been working for 10 years to return the quality of the seed stock to its historical excellence, by season after season successively selecting seeds for the attributes which gave the Scotch Bonnet its reputation in the first place...

I don't know how many THP growers there are nurturing MoA Bonnets as I type this, but there are several, and their skills and care are considerable. Very many of us are visualizing huge, verdant bushes loaded with tennis-ball-sized, cup-and-saucer-shaped, four-lobed yellow pods of Caribbean ecstasy...
Damit THP tells me I've used up all of my "Like This" for the day, well hopefully they can't stop me from saying: Gary this is a great post and I'll be sure to come back and "Like This" once I get my next allotment, long live and prosper da MoA mon!

Edit: Hat’s off mon \o_
Hi Stefan! Glad to see you back!

If you haven't read about it elsewhere on THP, the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture Scotch Bonnet (MoA for short) came to us from THP member STEVE954 in Fort Lauderdale. The story of how he wore the people at the Ministry down until they finally agreed to give him some of their seeds is better told by him, but it is a testimony to perservernce for the greater good of the chile head community and evangelism for one of the world's great agricultural treasures, the True Jamaican Scotch Bonnet. (Please take a moment of reverent silence now. I'll wait.)

Any of us here who has dreamt of growing and enjoying the legendary Scotch Bonnet in the form which gave it its fabled mystique knows the frustration of working all season long only to end up with peppers which fall far short of their expectations. The Ministry has apparently been working for 10 years to return the quality of the seed stock to its historical excellence, by season after season successively selecting seeds for the attributes which gave the Scotch Bonnet its reputation in the first place...

I don't know how many THP growers there are nurturing MoA Bonnets as I type this, but there are several, and their skills and care are considerable. Very many of us are visualizing huge, verdant bushes loaded with tennis-ball-sized, cup-and-saucer-shaped, four-lobed yellow pods of Caribbean ecstasy...

Sounds good, Gary and a very epic story indeed. Ever considered being an storyteller? :lol:
EPIC explanation! Well wrote my friend! I now bow my head in silence. :pray:

Thanks Jamison!

Must say(tear'n up a bit), Well said ol' chap!

Thanks Steve! You da man!

Damit THP tells me I've used up all of my "Like This" for the day, well hopefully they can't stop me from saying: Gary this is a great post and I'll be sure to come back and "Like This" once I get my next allotment, long live and prosper da MoA mon!

Edit: Hat’s off mon \o_

Thanks Ramon! All "Likes" are greatly appreciated!

Sounds good, Gary and a very epic story indeed. Ever considered being an storyteller? :lol:

Thanks Stefan! ...The story really speaks for itself, like we are all of us here at a watershed moment in chile history.... :cool:
"Gary the Chili Oracle"

In Classical Antiquity, an oracle was a person or agency considered to be a source of wise counsel or prophetic predictions or precognition of the future, inspired by the gods. As such it is a form of divination.
The word oracle comes from the Latin verb ōrāre "to speak" and properly refers to the priest or priestess uttering the prediction. In extended use, oracle may also refer to the site of the oracle, and to the oracular utterances themselves, called khrēsmoi (χρησμοί) in Greek.
Oracles were thought to be portals through which the gods spoke directly to people. In this sense they were different from seers (manteis, μάντεις) who interpreted signs sent by the gods through bird signs, animal entrails, and other vaious methods. -Wiki

Clearly the pepper gods speak through the good man we call windchicken!
Sounds good, Gary and a very epic story indeed. Ever considered being an storyteller? :lol:

(Edit 8:30 am, to add back the parts I deleted right before Steve made the response above.)

Thanks Stefan! ...The story really speaks for itself, like we are all of us here at a watershed moment in chile history.... :cool:

There's more to the story, and it really sounds better coming from Steve, but you can't make this stuff up!

In talking to Steve on the phone yesterday I was impressed at how much tenacity it took to wheedle those seeds out of the Ministry. They refused him again and again, over a period of several months, but at no time did he consider turning away from the task he had set out for himself. Maybe he will tell us whether a chile oracle came to him in a dream to deliver a holy mandate for him to acquire the seeds and place them in the hands of the growers who he most trusted to grow them well...or maybe he's just hard-headed...

I think it's a story worth telling, and it's far from finished....
Great words Gary! You get my vote. Loved the acid drop pic. Goofy foot too? I'll be posting more glog stuff today with some old 1/4 pipe ramp pics. I'm not working today and I slept till 8:00!

Have a good day! MIke
Clearly the pepper gods speak through the good man we call windchicken!

Thanks Steve...That's a heckuva nice thing to say, and it's likely to make me completely full of myself and run my mouth way too much...but as I said before, you da man!

Great words Gary! You get my vote. Loved the acid drop pic. Goofy foot too? I'll be posting more glog stuff today with some old 1/4 pipe ramp pics. I'm not working today and I slept till 8:00!

Have a good day! MIke

Thanks Mike! Yeah, goofy foot, and I push with the wrong foot, too!

Haha! Yeah I slept in til 7:00 am...the middle of the morning for me! It feels great, right?!!!

I'll be looking forward to the ramp pix...Keep 'em coming! Be ready for some from me, too! Old school skaters, yeah!
I have 2 nice zapotec going and a big bird pepper that is from last year. All from Gary...windchicken

You are going to have a great year Gary.
Gary, Great looking seedlings! I love the hairy Onza. I had several of those last year while some were furry and some not. I gave a plant to Brian in 2009 or 10 I think to overwinter. He told me a few weeks ago that he still has it. I look forward to watching the various renderings of MoA around the country. I wouldn't mind trying some next season for sure.

Agreed! Charles is certainly a master!

Later Mike
Seeds from THP cross-breeding wizard spicegeist:

Gary, Great looking seedlings! I love the hairy Onza. I had several of those last year while some were furry and some not. I gave a plant to Brian in 2009 or 10 I think to overwinter. He told me a few weeks ago that he still has it. I look forward to watching the various renderings of MoA around the country. I wouldn't mind trying some next season for sure.

Agreed! Charles is certainly a master!

Later Mike

Looks like you got a bunch to germinate... thanks for the compliments guys :D... I'm happy I've got such excellent growers to share with :cheers:
I have 2 nice zapotec going and a big bird pepper that is from last year. All from Gary...windchicken

You are going to have a great year Gary.

Wow, cool, thanks Rodney! Those are a couple of crazy vigorous varieties, right? Both will be on my "compulsory" list for a long time...

I've been checking my Rennie cells 20 or 30 times a day...I'm like a kid at Christmastime!

Beautiful seedlings!

Thanks Jamison!

Those are without a doubt some of the healthiest looking seedlings I've seen. Excellent work. Looks like you have a mold issue though and may want to get some air movement over them.

Wow, thanks so much, Patrick!

I think maybe the plants actually dig the mold... :cool:

Looks great. They all look healthy with good color. Keep up the good grow

Looks great. They all look healthy with good color. Keep up the good grow

Thanks Pia! And thanks for stopping by!

Gary, Great looking seedlings! I love the hairy Onza. I had several of those last year while some were furry and some not. I gave a plant to Brian in 2009 or 10 I think to overwinter. He told me a few weeks ago that he still has it. I look forward to watching the various renderings of MoA around the country. I wouldn't mind trying some next season for sure.

Agreed! Charles is certainly a master!

Later Mike

Thanks Mike! It's good to hear that about the Onza...Just wondering, how is the heat? My plan with the Mexican chiles was to have a range of heat levels and flavors...

As soon as I get some ripe MoA Bonnets I'm shipping them your way!

Looks like you got a bunch to germinate... thanks for the compliments guys :D... I'm happy I've got such excellent growers to share with :cheers:

Thanks Charles! I've not found another online community like THP.....It's really the best example of how all the others should be, as far as I care.

The Bonda x Y7s really popped...4 sprouts from 4 cells planted, a couple of them with multiple sprouts, like the one in the photo...I believe you've bred a winner!
The Bonda x Y7s really popped...4 sprouts from 4 cells planted, a couple of them with multiple sprouts, like the one in the photo...I believe you've bred a winner!

They are F2, so they're on their way to stability.. I hope you find a winner. How many of the seedlings were you planning on growing out?