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Windchicken 2016

For the last couple of years my season has finished up after the subsequent season had already started…I sowed my 2016 seeds last Saturday, but my 2015 Chile Manzano are just now bearing ripe fruit, 3 days later. Is it worth waiting over a year after sowing to get ripe fruit from these plants? HELLZ TO THE YEAH!!! Only the best chile in the world!!!
Thanks for the offer Gary. I found a review of the Forbing Naga. Sounds like a good one. Come to think of it, I think I did try a Naga Brain. I recieved some pod's from Justin and I believe there was one of those in there. I remember something really hot. If you could spare a couple seeds, I would love to grow a couple next year. I have a lot of crosses and will be isolating a bunch of them.
PaulG said:
Looking great, Gary!  Been awhile since I've been here,
but I see all is well in your neighborhood.  Wish I had the room
you do - I'd give your RCW soil thing a try.  I wonder if it would
work in big (15 - 20 gallon) containers? I could let them lie fallow
for a season while the soil works.
I wondered why I didn't see any yellow NagaBrains in your
video, but your post in #171 cleared that up for me! 
Hey PG!!! Oh hell yeah you can use RCW in containers...It works great! I use the nursery containers with the huge drain holes, so the worms can go in and out. I start out with regular bagged soil, but leave 6 inches or so room at the top so I can go the rest of the way with wood chips. Not only am I building forest soil, but I can start growing right away, and the wood chips make watering WAY easier. Next season I plant out and top up with fresh chips...Done!...Another benefit is that the birds have a harder time excavating the wood chips than they do the fine-ground bagged soil....
OCD Chilehead said:
Thanks for the offer Gary. I found a review of the Forbing Naga. Sounds like a good one. Come to think of it, I think I did try a Naga Brain. I recieved some pod's from Justin and I believe there was one of those in there. I remember something really hot. If you could spare a couple seeds, I would love to grow a couple next year. I have a lot of crosses and will be isolating a bunch of them.
I'm glad you like the NagaBrain Chuck! Let me have your shipping address, and I'll get some seeds headed your way....
Thanks Gary. Will do.

I used composted wood chips in my containers and added about 4 inches to my rows. I'm going to add more composted wood chips as soon as my plants are done. It will just sit alll Winter covered by the snow until Spring. Should be great next year. This year was the first time planting in the ground for me. I'm quite pleased how the plants did.
windchicken said:
Hey PG!!! Oh hell yeah you can use RCW in containers...It works great! I use the nursery containers with the huge drain holes, so the worms can go in and out. I start out with regular bagged soil, but leave 6 inches or so room at the top so I can go the rest of the way with wood chips. Not only am I building forest soil, but I can start growing right away, and the wood chips make watering WAY easier. Next season I plant out and top up with fresh chips...Done!...Another benefit is that the birds have a harder time excavating the wood chips than they do the fine-ground bagged soil....
Thanks for the tip, Gary.  Will think seriously about trying that out.
Have to find a source for the RCW.  Sounds like a great system.