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Winter just f**king sucks here in zone 5/6. Its snowing and I'm reduced to planting in a peat box over a heating vent while some lucky person in zone 10/11 probally tilling his farm in 75 and sunny. I can only hope he has crabgrass or a blister on his thumb. Maybe he has to fight off monkeys stealing his peppers. Yeah dream a little dream.
The dream: 75 and sunny The reality: 0 and snowing. I think I'll go back to bed.
Winter just f**king sucks here in zone 5/6. Its snowing and I'm reduced to planting in a peat box over a heating vent while some lucky person in zone 10/11 probally tilling his farm in 75 and sunny. I can only hope he has crabgrass or a blister on his thumb. Maybe he has to fight off monkeys stealing his peppers. Yeah dream a little dream.
The dream: 75 and sunny The reality: 0 and snowing. I think I'll go back to bed.

alternate hobbies besides gardening help keep the winter blues at bay for me.
gaming = healthy self-dose of dopamine = happy me.
I hear you RJ 5-6 here as well. Controlled environmental growing is a necessary evil - this time of year my basement turns into a green house - and at this rate we probably wont be able to plant out until the end of June
The state record for a single storm snow total in Arkansas: 25.0" in 1918. At 7:30 am I measured 22" in the middle of our street. Expecting 6" more today.
Last week we set record low temps earlier in the same week set record high temps. :crazy: :crazy:

What to do? Hash browns scrambled with eggs and served with Texas Creek Chipotle BBQ sauce. Life is good. :cool:
Hang in there guys, it'll all be here soon enough, and you can get right back to be swattin' skeeters, battlin' heatstroke, and wishin' you'd put more sunscreen on yer lobster colored skin. :flamethrower: :woohoo:

We haven't had more than three inches of snow on the ground at one time all year. However, it has been perpetual and has ground the schools to a halt. They haven't had a full week of school since Thanksgiving. As of right now, the kids will lose most of their summer vacation in order to make up the time.
We haven't had more than three inches of snow on the ground at one time all year. However, it has been perpetual and has ground the schools to a halt. They haven't had a full week of school since Thanksgiving. As of right now, the kids will lose most of their summer vacation in order to make up the time.

Wow, this is surprising to me. I realize how snow really screws things up in areas that typically don't get much of it, but 3 inches? We've had record snowfall this year and I think only 2 days when schools were closed. It was -11 this morning but it's supposed to be in the mid or high 30's this weekend. Time to bust out the shorts! :woohoo:
We occasionally get the white stuff in Dixie too, but the peppers indoors don't seem to mind.

We got hit pretty hard here. At least for us ..... Depending on who's telling the story we got from 4 1/2 " all the way up to 8" of snow. The bad thing was we had those West Texas winds of 30 to 40 mph. That made the chill factor less than fun. The snow drifts sucked period !! You'd hit a spot that was 4' or 5 ' deep. I used a snow shovel until I hope I never see one again.

The only fun was watching my wife's dogs play. Well Noble the brindle was playing but Ginger the other didn't one didn't care for his youthful joy of playing in the snow.

P. Dreadie


no offense but its always funny listening to people from other parts of the country complain about the little snow they got & that the cities shut down for a day or two cuz they have no clue how to drive in snow or how to deal with it :rofl:

paulky - thats pathetic that the schools havent had a full week since thanksgiving cuz of a couple inches of snow :crazy:
yep CH, most states just don't have the experience of Minnesota in handling or driving in the white stuff plus the cold and ice it brings. I am sick of winter!!!! I feel bad for all of you who don't have "normal" winters, want to trade??? You really should have the pleasure of watching city and state equipment in action. JK all, the older I get the less I enjoy winter!!!!!!!
I (at 50 now) say the hell with snow. Kansas is bad enough. I'll never move any further North infact I've been planning for a good decade to move to Broken Bo, Oklahoma. Went to High School in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. LOVE HOT WEATHER-HATE SNOW just like my plants. I thought science was suppose to control the weather by now. Where in the hell is all my money I've gave them over the years. Probally spent it heading south :)