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Winter Grow in a spare bedroom

Cheers ALL!

I started this a few weeks ago. I have 4 over winter plants. Reaper, Chocolate Moruga, Cappuccino Scotch Bonnet and the fourth lol I forgot. Either not chocolate primo or PurpleghostScorpion.

Seed layout has 6 or 7 herb varieties... I currently have a few germination activity. Reaper, Lemon Drop, cilantro and chocolate Moruga... Thanks for looking.

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Good afternoon! It's been a few weeks and this is where I am. Second seed tray planted 1/1/20 looks great. I finally cut holes in totes and mixed 2 batches mb.

First batch has a little sediment due to water being too cool. Seconds batch is clear...

PH is 6-6.14.
I used
12.5 grams MB
6.5. grams magnesium sulfate
12.5 grams calcium nitrate
Per 5 Gallons water.
Water seems to be sitting about 1/2 inch into net pot.

Im using 2 inch pots and neoprene collars (to prevent stem rot)

Im excited... when is a good time to transplant my seedlings? Thanks all!!!! Happy dance***Super grow!!!

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Those sprouts are looking healthy and happy, Bookers - except maybe that cilantro, which looks like it could use a shot of espresso in its water. :)
It will be interesting to see how quickly they take off now with the easy-access MB.  What's the plan for their lighting as they grow and get bigger?
Hello all!!

Just a few pictures...

I added a few more seedlings to the pool lol... This weekend maybe hang the light...


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It's on now, Bookers! 
Great looking light.  Those guys should really take off with Kratky and solid lighting.  I use those same hangers and they're great - excepting the occasional off-season tangle from lazy packing  :)
You going directly into the ceiling with those big eyelet screws?
I was thinking of doing that. Unless you have a better idea for me. I figure it's a spare bedroom not being used and I'd just have to spackle 2 holes when removing. I was going to drill and hit the studs....

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Hola! All plant entries are receiving mb in the kratky tubs and are looking decent!

The pic of seeds are yellow SBrain and Rocoto they are just an experiment as they are sitting in a floating sponge. They have doubled in size last couple days. If they pop I'll bury em [emoji23]

CD here's the Yellow leaf I spoke of... prob some deficiencies but looks cool...Yellow Scotch Brain seedling.

Choc Moruga Scorpion F3... I love this strain... Seeds pop super easy great flavor super yield...I'll include last year's pic. I call it F3 cause this is the 3rd year im growing it and it sat next to Carolina Reaper. Last year started to develop the reaper stinger...

cheers everyone[emoji892][emoji892][emoji892][emoji847][emoji847][emoji847]

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Looks like you're starting to get a lot of activity, Booker!  That's a definitely a funky leaf on the scotch brain.  I have a sprout that's been through a lot and I recently moved it from soil to a rockwool cube to try to get it growing better again - it had root issues and is stunted. It's doing the exact same thing as yours with the bleached-out leaf - now with two of them in a row.  I've been pretty careful about the nutes and pH, though.  Not sure what's causing this, but perhaps some form of lock-out.  Mainly just trying to optimize the basic parameters and hope it recovers. 
Should I go higher with the light? Looks to be about 2 ft. Thanks for stopping by [emoji847][emoji892][emoji892][emoji2]

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Bookers said:
3 year reaper hurting
Just a little upgrade cheers
All those "little upgrades" are starting to add up!
What happened with your reaper?
Bookers said:
Should I go higher with the light? Looks to be about 2 ft. Thanks for stopping by [emoji847][emoji892][emoji892][emoji2]
I wouldn't go any higher with a 150w HPS.  I'd crowd the footprint AMAP and keep it reasonably close - but not so close that you lose a good footprint or the heat off the HID becomes an issue.  I think you picked a good starting point and you'll be able to see how they respond.  I'm running a 250W HPS over my OW's at a distance of about 2.5 feet, but those are just OW'ing in a colder room.  If I was trying to grow them I'd be closer and covering a tighter footprint.
Things are going to get real interesting soon with those Kratky totes!
Thank you CD! The reaper. I have scratched the trunk and branches and I have green underneath. Leaves all fell off... I believe it's still recovering from the neem OD. Fyi the others are doing really well... We'll see...

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