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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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They look good Peter :)

This is my overwintered Dorset Naga. The leaves are all curled up and I'm not sure what's causing it. I just gave it a good water and the leaves haven't changed shape for a few days... maybe they are getting a little more curled. I've also given it seasol and some calcium/magnesium supplement


By `overwintered` I mean I left it out in the weather, gave it no attention and it has sprouted back.

There was a little red spider lookng thing scurrying around on its leaves. Definitely looks spiderish, and I thought it might be a spider mite, but I don't know if you are able to see them with the naked eye or not. It moved really quickly! was hard to get an in focus shot with the phone camera.

I couldn't see any others on it.
What does everyone think is going on here?
Dunno what's causing the curling but the red thing could be a chigger. Spider mites are visible to the naked eye—just—but they are super tiny like moving little red fine grains of sand. I could be wrong but whatever that is, it looks too big to be one.
Or it could be one of these:



AHHH :eek:

It is probably a baby spider. I have a few other plants around that area with curling leaves too.
This fresno still has its leaves like this. The big pod ripened and my son ate half of it. I thought he would freak out but no so I had the other half - weak chilli. Are fresno's supposed to be really hot? Anyway I don't really mind if this plant dies off but I'd like to know whats going on with the curling.

I do mind what happens to my Dorset Naga because its the only one of those I have, I don't have any seeds either. There are 2 or 3 pods just starting on it too. I might post a new thread question.
I moved all my grow shelf seedlings outside to htfu today. I also had to pot up a whole bunch in the greenhouse to make room.

I have only a few places left in Chilli Ally for pots and about 60 pot ups to come :scared:
Yes, well, that too. I guess there is a *possibility* that something that looks like a spider might actually be. A spider. :lol:

I still think it's one of these though:



Hahahaha i keep on picturing this little dude in ma head and keep giggling like a school girl. :lol:
I moved all my grow shelf seedlings outside to htfu today. I also had to pot up a whole bunch in the greenhouse to make room.

I have only a few places left in Chilli Ally for pots and about 60 pot ups to come :scared:

With the hot weather we had yesterday some of my new plants that were outside had to get moved back in since they were all wilted pretty bad....
Gave them a water and they picked back up :woohoo:
i hate hardening off plants, lol.
i hate hardening off plants, lol.
Me too. It sucks!!

ATM, I've been experimenting with hardening off "as I go." As soon as my babies pop I've just been whackin' them out into the full sun for the day and they seem to be doing fine. I figure when plants grow naturally outside they don't need hardening off, right? Then what the hell are we doing sheltering them from the sun in the first place!? :crazy:
Yeah but they don't start out growing smack in the middle of a baron field do they!?
In nature i assume they are protected by foliage from other plants and what not.
Gas, when you put your little babies out in the sun so soon, they dont wilt or anything?
Might have to try this next time i am starting some new plants.
The tough part of hardening off for me is the cold nights. I just put them in my "greenhouse" thats open during the day where they get sun filtered by plastic and close it at night until they can go out under shadecloth all the time. The full sun here is too harsh, all mine are in pots.
Gas, when you put your little babies out in the sun so soon, they dont wilt or anything?
Might have to try this next time i am starting some new plants.
No, not that I have observed. Keep in mind though that these are all very young babies either still on their baby leaves or only their first set of true leaves--so I guess it's hard to really tell at this stage.

Not that you can see real close but this photo was taken around lunch time after my babies had already been out all day:


They still look OK to me! :D

The bigger plants in the shot I was experimenting with to see if I could speed up the hardening off process by half hour in sun, half hour out of sun, half hour in sun, etc. Don't even know why I bothered though as even if the method does help speed things up, I *really* don't have the time to do that every day! (especially considering I work five days a week...)

A bit worried ATM though as the last few days have been overcast and I'm wondering now if my little guys are still gonna fare as well once the sun returns.... :scared: