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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

Who will win?

  • A muppet

    Votes: 20 34.5%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 15 25.9%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 23 39.7%

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AND rememeber before when i said that i didn't have any Cherries popped yet? Well I LIED. I found that i do indeed have a seedling of a Choc Cherry plant. :woohoo: Now waiting on the normal Hot cherry.

Not fair :snooty: :lol: I refuse to concede defeat until the normal hot cherry's sprout :cool:
The design of air pots differs from the normal hydro pots. The perimeter has conicle or in the case of the RocketPots (brand name) have angled "prisms". This is an important factot as the pot has to be able to direct roots to the outside of the pot. It causes a difference in air pressure that the roots can detect. This in turn makes the plant abort that root, after it abort the tip of that it makes a decision to throw about ten more feeder roots from the same root but closer to the tap root. (i hope that makes sense)

Watch this.
The pots i have were purchased by Micca and myself from RocketPots in Victoria. The smaller size requires a minimum order of 100 to be made and the cost of each one after postage is approx $1.90. They are 1.5 litre in capacity and their code is S1020 on their website. http://www.trentcom.com.au/

Edit: Heres what they say about them on their website.

"Trentcom have a new RocketPot called S1020 - designed specifically for propagating fast growing genera like Eucalypts. We want to grow plants from seed to landscape self-sufficiency in half the current time.

We expect that S1020 will replace twostep propagation of seedlings with onestep direct sowing. The radicle will grow straight down from the seed for 180 mm, to air root-prune at the base. Several more roots will then emerge from the radicle to be air root-pruned too.

Lateral roots will grow outwards and downwards until air root-pruned at the wall. The root array created will be natural, simple and elegant. There are near 200 air root-pruning cusps in the walls and 25 in the floor. As each air root-pruned root tip looses its apical dominance, many fresh new roots will emerge from behind. They too will be pruned. Soon, hundreds of active root tips will be poised for colonisation of a planting site. The seedling will take off like a Rocket when potted on or planted out

The shelf life of seedlings in forestry tubes and smooth walled pots is dangerously low.
In S1020, 20% open wall and base area will provide very high oxygen permeation. Root tips love the moisture and will grow rapidly. The root ball of S1020 seedlings will become full of outward pointing roots and become cohesive. S1020 will extend seedling shelf life.

We expect that you will be able to transplant Eucalypts direct from the 1.5 litre S1020 to a 45 litre Rocket®Pot. In Spring, this will be possible 14 to 20 weeks from direct seeding.

S1020 fits very well into an 8 up shuttle tray -TRSH140 - manufactured and sold by Garden City Plastics (GCP) This is a happy fit - Trentcom and GCP will both distribute the full RocketPot range in Australia now"
Sweet as !! Cheers man

I could always get some sample kits of the bigger sizes by the looks ... 8 litres could be worth a go
I got this pic with a cheap ass little magnifying thingo.
mmmm trichromes :lol:

HEY MICCA, potted up what could be a pinoccio or early jalepeno yesterday into one of the air pots. Time to test the suckers out!
Also potted up a mexican tomato into one of them too so see how that goes.




I am pretty sure this is a Peach Bhut, not labeled but definantly a chinense and i only planted a couple of chinense varieties at that time.

AND rememeber before when i said that i didn't have any Cherries popped yet? Well I LIED. I found that i do indeed have a seedling of a Choc Cherry plant. :woohoo: Now waiting on the normal Hot cherry.

Nice work Nova! Iv’e got a couple of Chinenses going in them at the moment. 1 has been in there for around 2 weeks and is looking like he wants to grow(will post pickies later)

Enough of the whacky backy now you makin me jealous!

Hey nice bit of technical info on the Airpots. Talking about prisms and angles sounds like going back to school. You are a scholar of Airpots!

Will be interesting to see how these go. Maybe we will get Chilli Trees!!!!

As I'm getting lots of hooks and new plants I've been looking back at last season (my first) to plan for the coming one. Growing in winter in Perth has proven easier than I thought it would, especially with the limited plant stock I had coming out of autumn.

In my makeshift greenhouse I just picked a handful of Aji Lemons, and one of the three green Big Jim pods has a tiny bit of red creeping in. These plants have done incredibly well for their tiny pots and compacted soil. All the other plants in the greenhouse look to be doing better than when they were outside in summer. Ones that I cut right back to overwinter them have sprouted out all bushy and are putting out flowers and pods. I don't water them very often because it gets humid in there.

Compare that to outside in the cold... I planted a Dorset Naga last year which never really got off the ground and was posioned with too much fertilizer. I rinsed the roots and planted it in a big pot with much better soil. All the leaves fell off and it sprouted new big fat leaves. Then it really started getting cold at night and although it was outside it didn't die. Then I noticed that the leaves were getting loaded with aphids so I pulled them all off leaving it as a stem. The leaves have grown back again, this time they are not fat but narrow but there are plenty of them. It's in a spot in the yard where it gets very little sun but its still going. A Hungarian Black and Black Prince and Black Pearl have slowed right down but there are flowers still.

I guess that if they have large enough pots the roots don't get too cold. I simply clustered all my pots together in a spot out of the wind as much as possible.

So my conclusions are that in Perth's climate it's mild enough that you can keep on growing all winter with simply plastic stretched over a frame. I'm seriously considering making a big walk-in hoop house for next winter so I can move all my pots in and just keep on going full speed.

edit: I just felt like typing :P

To me it definitely has got better growing in Winter over the past few years. Also noticed it seems to be getting harder for me to produce fruit during the Summer months.
It also depends on a lot of other factors. We had our driest Summer on record last year and this year is not looking much better. If the pots get waterlogged and then don’t get to dry out again and stay wet for a long time they tend to really suffer. Pots outside no cover have done the worst with ones under eves of house or greenhouse doing much better.
Also I have found that the common varierties like Jalapeno, Cayenne, Birds Eye etc do really well over Winter but the Chinenses usually struggle.
As I said maybe because we are having drier winters they are over wintering better. I couldn’t believe that I have a few bunches of Tomatoes on at the moment and seem to be still flowering/fruiting. I did get a small harvest of Chilli today from a couple of Chinenses which was excellent but have noticed they aren’t growing much at all now.

I should add that my choc cherry seedling has been growing for about a month now Trippa so it wasn't part of the cherry poppin comp. I just forgot that i had it sprouted! :high:
Just a little update and a few piccies.....

CGN 21500 looking nice and black:


Datil x Limon:


Yellow Trinidad Scorpion looks like it's gonna be an absolute winner when it comes to production.... :D


"Most Prolific" Chacoense shaping up and shooting off everywhere!


CAP 501 probably doing the best in terms of growth in winter.... but sadly it's up, up, up - not out, out, out.... :(


Like I said earlier though, everything is going so slooooooow now that winter is well and truly here, and having a rough time getting anything to germinate ATM.... even with good temps in the germ box!
Nice pics :)

I didn't get my H202 until yesterday and I just planted some seeds after soaking for 12 hrs.

Hot Cherry
Chilli Costa Rica
Bishop's Crown
Peruvian White Habanero
Asian Birdseye
TS Butch T
Bahamian Goat Pepper
White Labuyo

I chose ones I wanted more of and some I have had trouble germinating to see if this H202 is any good.
I used the recommend dosage from Candice's ratio for half of each variety and then I soaked the other half in four times the concentration. Just because :rofl:

A seed of Bishops Crown and Bahamian Goat Pepper had stuck out their little white root after 14 hrs in the 4X solution before I even got to planting them ! :dance:

I am looking on track to pop this cherry wide open :cool:
looking good there. Great colouring for the CGN21500 and tonnes of flower buds on your yellow scorp.
I havent grown a chacoense before but perhaps they are meant to grow more up like baccatums rather than out???
Nice pics :)

I didn't get my H202 until yesterday and I just planted some seeds after soaking for 12 hrs.

Hot Cherry
Chilli Costa Rica
Bishop's Crown
Peruvian White Habanero
Asian Birdseye
TS Butch T
Bahamian Goat Pepper
White Labuyo

I chose ones I wanted more of and some I have had trouble germinating to see if this H202 is any good.
I used the recommend dosage from Candice's ratio for half of each variety and then I soaked the other half in four times the concentration. Just because :rofl:

Oh no, did you soak in the hydrogen peroxide for 12hrs??? Thats the mistake I made with my first lot in bleach.
Whats the story on the black plant Gas (Origins, taste etc?)??

EDIT: I Apologise if I have already asked this question :beer:

Man looking at your plants make me want some lights even more now :hell: compared with my small leaved little babies
Nice pics :)

I didn't get my H202 until yesterday and I just planted some seeds after soaking for 12 hrs.

Hot Cherry
Chilli Costa Rica
Bishop's Crown
Peruvian White Habanero
Asian Birdseye
TS Butch T
Bahamian Goat Pepper
White Labuyo

I chose ones I wanted more of and some I have had trouble germinating to see if this H202 is any good.
I used the recommend dosage from Candice's ratio for half of each variety and then I soaked the other half in four times the concentration. Just because :rofl:

A seed of Bishops Crown and Bahamian Goat Pepper had stuck out their little white root after 14 hrs in the 4X solution before I even got to planting them ! :dance:

I am looking on track to pop this cherry wide open :cool:

Nice work on the fast germ on the Bishops Crown and Bahamian Goat .... but i'm sorry to say that Cherry is mine to pop :lol: ...*going over to talk nicely to my seeds to get them to come up* :rofl: