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Wood he know?

We were sitting in the break room, and I was picking at our only male co-worker, who was picking back. He is about as skinny as they come. He said he weighed 155 lbs, and I couldn't believe it. I mean, he is *bony*!

So, I asked him if he had lead in his boots, and he stood up, put his hands on his hips and said, "I'll tell you were I do have lead!" I snapped back, "I asked if you had lead in your boots, not wood in your shorts." Everybody laughed at us, then things settled back down and got quiet.

One of our other co-workers, a very ladylike woman who is a bit older leaned over and asked me what that meant, wouldn't lead weigh more than wood? I said, " No, like a woody...you know, wood in his shorts? A woody?"

She looked baffled, so I said slowly, " A woody is a slang term for a man's erection." She sat back in her chair and looked stunned. "You mean..well, I never heard *that* before! Are you sure that's what it's called?" Everybody laughed again, and started teasing her. She started to get annoyed and grabbed her cell phone, said she was going to call her husband, then walked out.

A little while later she came back looking miffed. One of the girls asked her what her husband said. She sat down and threw her phone on the table and muttered "He laughed at me."
dangit Pam...you are lucky you can joke around at work like that...they will fire your A** and walk you out the door for something like that here...
We haven't always been able to be that risque, but we have a good group now. We all like a good dirty joke.
that's why a small business is better than a large one...but I didn't really have a choice...
AlabamaJack said:
that's why a small business is better than a large one...but I didn't really have a choice...

I'm at a very large university, but it is a small department, and we do have our own break room.
I work with 40+ engineers every day. When I decided to prostitute my brain with this job, I don't think I saw how much life it would drain out of you. That's why I am glad I only have 127 working days left in this corporate rat race....
The countdown is on! We need a new countdown now that the PostWhore is finished with his latest conquest. He'll probably be counting down to 15000 by then though.
JayT said:
The countdown is on! We need a new countdown now that the PostWhore is finished with his latest conquest. He'll probably be counting down to 15000 by then though.

Sir, and I use that term loosely, are you in any way suggesting that I an indulging in post improprieties? Because I shall have to smite you, if you are.
not on your life Ms. Pam...

***bows to the queen of postdom***
wow AJ is apologizing for me... I was referring to IGG Pam. Or AJ counting down to retirement depending on which part of the post you were asking about.
JayT said:
wow AJ is apologizing for me... I was referring to IGG Pam. Or AJ counting down to retirement depending on which part of the post you were asking about.

Nice save!

Luckily I was just poking fun.
I was going to just say you should notice that I said he and his in there. And I wouldn't call me sir either :lol: