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Word on the street, Osama Bin Laden

I didn't do a dance but can understand people wanting to celebrate. All of Osama's fans world wide cheered , fired AK-47s in the air , and had shite eating grins on their faces after 911. Even with him being dead people with like minds will be doing his work . So not a lot has been stopped.

P. Dreadie
I normally don't rejoice or take pleasure in anyone's death but I'll make an exception this time. God Bless our troops. But as others have said we're still waist deep in poop because of the Poli-Tricksters. Both sides ..... This can go to deep and to long and I simply see it as a waste of my time. If all these Poli-tricksters really cared and wanted to help "we" the people , they'd give up their heath care program and get on ours !! I can't afford to pay for their gold plated program and my ragga muffin program too. If ALL the poli-tricksters would pay their taxes in a timely fashion as I'm expected to do. I could go on , but why ?

Peace & God Bless America , our troops , and all freedom loving people

P. Dreadie
Very well said P. Dreadie ...and hard to improve upon.... a tip of my hat to you .
Buried at sea. Hmmm....very suspicious. Usually, any time the U.S. has offed a guy they wanted dead, they displayed the body and got max PR coverage for it. If the guy really is dead, good riddance. But after being told time and again that "(Insert hated nation's name here)has weapons of mass destruction!", I don't believe anything this government says.
Buried at sea. Hmmm....very suspicious. Usually, any time the U.S. has offed a guy they wanted dead, they displayed the body and got max PR coverage for it. If the guy really is dead, good riddance. But after being told time and again that "(Insert hated nation's name here)has weapons of mass destruction!", I don't believe anything this government says.

It amazes me more Americans don't have this view. How many times can you be lied to and still believe the stuff they spout out.

Some very intelligent repsonses here which I think is great. Mainstream media makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a pen.

Whoops! I'm going to Gitmo!
Jeez...I though I hated/didn't trust the government, but why would they fabricate a story about Osama being killed? If he were still alive, he would just make a video telling everyone how the US government lied and it would be an enormous embarrassment to the government.

The only way that it could possibly make any sense at all to lie about it would be if he either died from some other cause and they wanted to take credit, or he was being held captive somewhere and couldn't make a video.

People should think these whacko theories through first.

Obama: Hey we killed Bin Laden.
Osama: No they didn't, I'm still alive.

Next week Obama sets a historical record low approval rating and gets impeached.
Well, here's where it is obvious. Ok, the U.S. has had Muslim soldiers in the U.S. Army who were killed in action. We know this because Colin Powell told us of one in a famous interview he did during the 2008 Presidential campaigns. So, does the military bury fallen American soldiers who are Muslim within 24 hours? We know U.S. KIA come through Dover AFB here. We know there is a process that takes some time, though how much time is not discussed. Now, are we to believe that the U.S. buries fallen Muslim soldiers within 24 hours? My next question is: If U.S. troops of Islamic faith are not buried within 24 hours, why does Osama POS Laden merit this respect? Hey, I could be wrong. Maybe our military does make sure Islamic soldiers' remains are returned for burial within 24 hours. But if not, I want to know why Osama merits this and our own citizens don't.

Now, some decades back, the CIA killed Che Guevara. They displayed his body and made damn sure everyone saw it so the Cubans could not claim Che was still alive somewhere. Look at the circus made over Saddam Hussein. They got a lot of mileage out of that guy. Now, the U.S. claims they buried Osama at sea to prevent his grave from being a martyrs' rallying point. WRONG! If there's anything we know all too well in America, it's when you don't have a grave, or few witnesses to the death, we think the dude's still alive. We have people here who think Billy The Kid was never killed by Pat Garrett. That Butch Cassidy got clean away. And that was over 100 years ago! They made a movie about DB Cooper. Look how many people thought Hitler was still alive. Until the collapse of the USSR and the Soviets admitted they had his remains, people thought Hitler might have lived. Because so many Nazi war criminals got away (sometimes with American help a la Operation Paperclip), it made sense that maybe Hitler did, too. No one really knows if Josef Mengele died during the war or drowned in Argentina a few years back. So, sorry, we know very well that when a body just disappears, no one is going to believe it. Martyrs they're afraid of? Well, they just handed them the perfect mythogenesis: A radical Islam version of King Arthur.

I'm sure he is dead. The question is, to what end? A war with Pakistan? A distraction?
Avon, I'm sure he is dead. The question is why wasn't the body submitted for testing? Why such a rush to get rid of the body? That's bad police work. Can you imagine if the police killed who they thought was a serial killer but in a scant few hours, just dumped the body into the sea? They'd lose their badges. Probably get indicted.
Well, I don't know about Islamic/Jewish soldiers being buried within 24 hours, but I think their intent was to give him a proper burial so as to not incite or anger Muslims, radical or not, and to demonstrate that they're at war with terrorist groups and not Islam in general. I really don't think the 24-hour burial had anything to do with showing Bin Laden himself respect, but was done to show Islam respect and to not anger other Muslims. I doubt it was something Obama wanted to do, but probably felt like it was the best move. Of course I don't think he was worthy of that respect, but what does it matter anyway, he's dead. The only people it matters to are those who are still alive.

The CIA didn't kill Che Guevara or put him on display, the Bolivian government did. The US wanted him brought in alive. Saddam was a different administration.

They did do DNA testing on Osama using his dead sister's DNA, at least they claim that they did. But, I definitely agree with you. My first thought when I heard that they dumped his body into the sea was "oh no, here we go with the conspiracy theories", and I immediately thought about all the conspiracy theories about Hitler and other Nazis surviving and living in South America. I was pretty shocked and disappointed that they would just dump him in the ocean. Hopefully they will at least release some pictures or some kind of evidence to the public. Not doing so would be a huge mistake in my opinion.

It also seems pretty suspicious the location where he was living in Pakistan, it's hard to imagine that the Pakistani government wouldn't have known he was there. But that's nothing new, Islamic countries pretending to be our ally and saying one thing while doing the opposite behind the scenes...

I'm not much of a fan of Obama, but I'm glad that he at least was willing to give the go ahead to take him out, unlike Clinton when he had a chance.
Well, he's dead. So now can we take care of our own country for a change? How about the billions of dollars of taxpayer money we give to Pakistan? Yeah, we "can't afford" Medicare, but we can afford to give money to the country that harbored Osama. This is why I don't trust the government. Always on and on about "we can't afford..." when it comes to doing something for our own citizens. But trillions of dollars for war, foreign aid, and the military. Hypocrisy. Trillions of dollars available for killing and payola for dictatorships, but they bemoan any money spent on medical care for our own citizens. We need to take care of our own people. I truly don't care what the rest of the world does. To that end, the rest of the world deserves to chart their own destiny without U.S. meddling----meddling which has cost us far too many lives. It never was worth the lives. Now we can't afford the cash expenses of it, either.
I will say this, though, on the other side of the coin. This illustrates why things don't get done in America. Certain people made a dog-and-pony show over whether or not Obama has a "real" birth certificate. As if we cannot see for ourselves he looks just like his mother in the face---and she was a U.S. citizen. Obama's maternal grandfather served this country in World War Two. And Obama resembles him very closely, too. But certain disgusting things started cropping up---Obama might be a Muslim, he's not a U.S. citizen, etc., etc. All motivated by racism. And while all these great wrapped-in-the-flag patriots (many of whom never served DAY FRICKIN' ONE in the military like Rush, Hannity, and Glenn Beck) were all accusing Obama of being some "traitor", Obama was actually DOING something that needed to get done. Killing Osama bin Laden. I served in the U.S. Army during the Cold War. I never saw Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity there. They all whine about "communism", well, then where the hell were they to help us defend the country against them? So, while all this nonsense over Obama's birth certificate was going on, Obama was actually getting a job done. The "Birthers" should be ashamed of themselves. But they won't be.
I agree...I believe we gave Pakistan about $2 or $3 billion last year. The cost of the current war in Iraq alone has been estimated at $3 *trillion* dollars. It wasn't that long ago that the whole national debt was only $3 trillion. Then there's the previous war in Iraq. The no fly zones we ran over Iraq in between wars. The no fly zone over Libya, etc. Our country's economy is collapsing and we're still spending absurd amounts of money to (try to, it rarely actually happens) fix the problems of countries who hate us (aka, the entire world, except for Canada). We spent $164 billion just on interest on the national debt last year. The Department of Defense got $664 billion last year, we spent $44.9 billion on foreign aid in 2009 (Department of Education got 45.4 billion). And yet we have no money. Every time there's a problem in the world the news shows say "Should we intervene?" The great majority of countries receiving aid from the US continually vote against the US in the U.N. General Assembly. Some of the top countries receiving financial aid from the US...Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan. We give $2 billion to Mubarak, then months later we say that he needs to step down.

As bad as Rush and Beck are, Lawrence O'Donnel is probably just as bad only he's on the other side. He never discusses any actual issues, he only makes personal attacks against Republicans and Fox News. He isn't quite as whacko as they are, but at least they occasionally try to discuss issues. The Daily Show is much closer to a real news show than The Last Word is. MSNBC and Fox News are both ridiculous and horribly biased.
We need to declare neutrality and quit being "World Cop". That's why other countries hate us. We blather on about "freedom", but at the end of the day, we don't let other people choose their own destiny. The Vietnamese chose Ho Chi Minh. We spent 58,000 lives propping up a South Vietnamese kleptocracy. And what did we get out of it? I live near the Grand Canyon. People from all over the world come here to see the Grand Canyon, including people from many Middle Eastern nations. They love Americans---it's our government they hate. (And so do I.) That's because we mumble about "freedom", but then we support the dictators that cart them off to secret prisons for actually trying to win themselves freedom. They don't hate "us" for our "freedom". They hate our government for its hypocrisy and because it assists the regimes that oppress them.

We need to declare neutrality and issue every able-bodied person a service weapon and make everyone a national militia to defend only our own soil. This works for the Swiss, it will work for us, too. There's something for everyone in that idea. We've been sold this poppycock that we can't have our way of life without fighting foreign wars or meddling in other countries' affairs. This is patently false. The people we are fighting now do not have an air force or navy. Truth is, if we quit meddling in the Middle East, they wouldn't bother us at all. We've spent trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives fighting these senseless post-1945 wars and, at the end of the day, we are not safer or freer because of them. In fact, we are less safer and less free because of them. We're told that "freedom isn't free" but that is not what the Founding Fathers said. They said, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Washington and Jefferson warned against foreign alliances and told us to stay out of European wars (the volatile region of their age.)
9 News Australia showed his face it was pretty shot up.

yeah im pretty sure that its the same picture that abc13 in houston is putting up...but appearently it's a photoshop photo of him back in like 2002...but i dont think its real to be honest...burial at sea 2 days after he was supposedly killed and in US custody, and conveniently this all happened as the presidents approval rating was in the toilet...

I dont know its all a little fishy to me...but im probably just over analyzing it like always :doh:
He was unarmed yet put up 'a bit' of a struggle so they killed him??????????????
I'm pretty sure there would have been enough soldiers there to get him down without using bullets, but bullets it was and then thrown into the sea without any evidence other than words from politicians, yep defo very fishy but conspiracy theories are there to keep folks busy and to keep their eyes and ears away from the really important stuff.

At the end of the day Bin Laden is very close to winning this war and achieving his goal which he spelt out (in 2002 I think it was) his aim which was to bankrupt the west, and that's pretty close, as mentioned before take a look at what you national debt was before storming off to look into caves and what is that debt now???

If you think that's bull take a look at russia pre 1980's then take a look at them after they stopped fighting the Afghans, yep their economy went tits ups