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My name is Ted Barrus and I am just a regular guy. I work 5 days a week and have a pepper hobby. I got dragged into the news because I am a crazy PEPPERMONSTER that likes to do stunts and reviews with the hottest peppers/sauces in the world.
I got a email from someone I respect more then anyone in the pepper industry and I was lost for words. I didn't ask to have this spotlight on me. All I want to do is entertain people and share my love of the burn. I WILL NOT get in the middle of a war between any pepper company's or world records...I will say this the current world record is the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T pepper according to GUINNESS.
according to the News they have a new worlds hottest pepper the Moruga Scorpion.

I will let you decide

If you want more info on the 4 hottest peppers in the world please GOOGLE THESE



TRINIDAD SCORPION BUTCH-T NEIL SMITH http://www.thehippyseedcompany.com/


If someone wants me to review something for them I will.I do not make any money off of what I do it is just for people entertainment and to spread the word of a product.

Some of the people I review for don't like each other and I AM NOT GETTING INVOLVED
I have got threats and other things because of the news and don't like it.
The Industry needs to get together and make piece and stop the cut throat tactics.

I want to be friends with everyone

so please can we ALL be friends....LOL yeah I know that real funny but it was worth a try.......

share it please and if you get crap about it
send them my way ill take the flack
You may want to forgo the mentioning of specific people and companies when testing peppers/products, if you don't want to offend any competing distributors. Perhaps just mention the pepper strain and go about the review?
I respectfully disagree with meinchoh.

Ted has done tons of videos and reviews. He's always stated it's for fun. Ted has also stated he's not a chile growing expert. As someone who has also posted videos of eating hot chiles, I think is IS important to say where the chile came from. The first video we did was of a supposed bhut jolokia. It was sent to me as a bhut, from someone I didn't know. I took them at their word since I'd never seen a bhut in person. After the video aired, everyone said "that's not a bhut" and we agree with that and have posted that in the text associated with that video. It's still a funny video to watch, we just had the wrong information to start with.

A reputable grower (or processor, for that matter) won't hesitate to put their name on their product. Let the audience make of it what they will. It's entertainment, and if the viewers get a little education along the way and the grower or processor gets a little advertisement along the way, all the better!

As someone who has processed 50 pounds of fresh 7 Pot Jonah chiles in one batch, I was able to see the vast differences in the shapes of pods. Some looked like Caribean Red habaneros, some had more bumpy skin, some had really long stingers. I could of picked out 3 very different pods and if they had been shown, everyone would of said...that's not a 7 Pot Jonah, it's a Hab. The only credentials the chiles had was the reputation of the grower. So for a viewer to make an assumption based on ONE pod shown in a video that it is or isn't whatever it's stated to be, is pretty arrogant on the part of the viewer. By sharing where the pod came from lends credibility to what Ted is sharing.

On another note-
If a processor can't handle something negative being said about their product, they shouldn't send it to any of the many reviewers that are on several different forums and websites. They should continue to share their product with their best friends and co-workers who will continue to stroke their ego. If someone is trying to get a business started, they better get a thick skin fast, cuz no matter what you make, someone won't like it and someone will love it.

Ted, please correct me if anything I've said isn't right.



Please do not take this wrong, but I don't really understand, why should everyone read this? The news has been out for a while about the Morouga.

If you are getting threats by people, then quit dealing with them. I just don't understand what you are trying to tell us.
I respectfully disagree with meinchoh.

Ted has done tons of videos and reviews. He's always stated it's for fun. Ted has also stated he's not a chile growing expert. As someone who has also posted videos of eating hot chiles, I think is IS important to say where the chile came from. The first video we did was of a supposed bhut jolokia. It was sent to me as a bhut, from someone I didn't know. I took them at their word since I'd never seen a bhut in person. After the video aired, everyone said "that's not a bhut" and we agree with that and have posted that in the text associated with that video. It's still a funny video to watch, we just had the wrong information to start with.

A reputable grower (or processor, for that matter) won't hesitate to put their name on their product. Let the audience make of it what they will. It's entertainment, and if the viewers get a little education along the way and the grower or processor gets a little advertisement along the way, all the better!

As someone who has processed 50 pounds of fresh 7 Pot Jonah chiles in one batch, I was able to see the vast differences in the shapes of pods. Some looked like Caribean Red habaneros, some had more bumpy skin, some had really long stingers. I could of picked out 3 very different pods and if they had been shown, everyone would of said...that's not a 7 Pot Jonah, it's a Hab. The only credentials the chiles had was the reputation of the grower. So for a viewer to make an assumption based on ONE pod shown in a video that it is or isn't whatever it's stated to be, is pretty arrogant on the part of the viewer. By sharing where the pod came from lends credibility to what Ted is sharing.

On another note-
If a processor can't handle something negative being said about their product, they shouldn't send it to any of the many reviewers that are on several different forums and websites. They should continue to share their product with their best friends and co-workers who will continue to stroke their ego. If someone is trying to get a business started, they better get a thick skin fast, cuz no matter what you make, someone won't like it and someone will love it.

Ted, please correct me if anything I've said isn't right.


Ted said that he has recieved "threats" about this..I am not suggesting that he stop posting videos, either. If the threats are too bothersome then he needs to do something to avert them, right? He can make recommendations and give cudos all he wants, but maybe not attach them to specific videos IF it is going to cause him grief..I agree with you about some processors not handling things with the amount of tact that they should, but what else can you do?
ok TED
Next season I am sending you a lot of peppers to test…
Now I will mainly focus on the Morouga and brain strain … because I have been growing both and I still believe that brain strain it hotter than Morouga…. “I” found Douglah hotter than Morouga …. I don’t trust all this lab testing :snooty:

i love watching your videos :rofl:
Well, actually, (this might get me in trouble, but....)

meinchoh, you bring up a good point.

If the video is a real life representation of Ted's experience eating "whatever", I don't see how anyone can get pissy about what he says about their product or pepper. It's his opinion. And for someone to threaten after they sent the stuff to Ted for review is wrong. If Ted made a mistake or misspoke in a video, that can be addressed in the title of the video or the text associated with the video. Information changes in a flash in the chile industry with respect to "hottest" etc.

And (this is the part that will get me in trouble) if someone is sending threatening emails because of something said in a video about their product or pepper, then I'd say post the email and who it's from and let the world know.

I don't know the nature of the threat, and don't really care. If I understand the original post correctly, Ted is just putting it out there that he's not taking sides in any of the ongoing "hottestlatestgreatest" debates.

Disclaimer, I may change my mind about that sentiment if further discussion warrants a change of heart. I have not seen all of Ted's videos, so I cannot say if something libelous was said about anything or not.
I'm sorry but I'm getting a tremendous kick out of this whole thing. . .

Ted, you are "for entertainment purposes only." Now let me explain what I mean by that. . . you are not a well respected voice in the chilehead community. You are a sideshow act, nothing more, nothing less. People go onto your YouTube page to LAUGH AT YOU, not to get your opinion on sauce reviews or hot peppers. In all honesty, you are offensive to the people out there doing serious product reviews. I for one get annoyed that someone like Duffy would use someone like you in an attempt to further promote his product / study results.

I'm sure I'm going to piss off a bunch of folks as well as Ted's "fans". I just couldn't take it anymore. . . . .
I agree wholeheartedly about posting the threats. These people should absolutely be lambasted and shunned by the chili world. Cowards deserve all that comes to them.

Keep up the funny stuff Ted. Don't let the idiots get you down.
^^ +1

I'm sorry but I'm getting a tremendous kick out of this whole thing. . .

Ted, you are "for entertainment purposes only." Now let me explain what I mean by that. . . you are not a well respected voice in the chilehead community. You are a sideshow act, nothing more, nothing less. People go onto your YouTube page to LAUGH AT YOU, not to get your opinion on sauce reviews or hot peppers. In all honesty, you are offensive to the people out there doing serious product reviews. I for one get annoyed that someone like Duffy would use someone like you in an attempt to further promote his product / study results.

I'm sure I'm going to piss off a bunch of folks as well as Ted's "fans". I just couldn't take it anymore. . . . .
Salsalady, I agree with you 100%, except I'm also not sure if posting any threats made to him would be a good idea. I would say a private solution would be best and if they continued, then maybe going public with them. I've seen quite a few of Ted's videos and nothing patently offensive or damaging has come from them, that I've seen. I'm sure that someone let their professional jealousy get the better of them and took it out on Ted. Hopefully, they've apologized to him by now...

I'm only here to learn about hot peppers (growing, cooking with, storing, etc.) and don't really appreciate the drama that has suddenly cropped up. When this site stops being fun, I'll just leave it...When the day comes that I NEED a 2 million SHU pepper, I'll re-assess my life's priorities :)
I made that post in a lot of places. After Diane Sawyer showed that clip I been blasted with emails, calls and interviews. All I do is promote the hot pepper industry with those interviews and I know for a fact my videos and my blog have been throwing a lot of business towards the people selling seeds.....
99% of the emails are positive and people wanting me to review or ask questions about peppers but then I get the nasty stuff. I can take it I’m not crying what I am saying is I’m not getting in a war over the hottest pepper and I’m not going to back one guy over another .
The threats have been reported and people have been blocked they told something like " I hope you enjoy the poison I sent and to enjoy that review ". I know some of the clowns are here on thehotpepper but can I prove it NOPE. but hey if you don't like me tell me but you don't need to trash me. I would like to hear what you think I should do different. If all your going to say is stop your videos please save your time and don’t type it because I’m going to be doing a lot more videos and reviews. I AM HERE TO STAY your all stuck with me =).....use me for something good or don’t.
I'm not trying to get anything out of this I just like to have a good time. Now I can take the criticism and flak people give me because I don't really care what haters have to say. In the past yeah I was a loud mouth but now I don't really care. And for you to say my reviews are a joke LOL yeah that's your opinion and I’m happy for you but every time you watch it its another view so please keep watching. Some of my videos are really disgusting and disturbing but do I really care? Nope because at the time that’s what people wanted me to do I was trying to get on Tosh.O. I have focused more on the peppers and sauce and sending pepper to people free of charge so they can see what its like to try a SUPER HOT. I can no longer do that because I am getting too many requests. What I can do is tell people to go to www.????????.com and purchase some from them and that's what I’m doing.
I am not a expert and never said that I am. So if you want me to tell people about your company I can do that or If you want to trash me I can post something about your company that my viewers might like to know…god knows my channel and pathetic little blog are getting more views then your website..

And please criticize me I want to know how to fix whats broken
Salsalady, I agree with you 100%, except I'm also not sure if posting any threats made to him would be a good idea. I would say a private solution would be best and if they continued, then maybe going public with them. I've seen quite a few of Ted's videos and nothing patently offensive or damaging has come from them, that I've seen. I'm sure that someone let their professional jealousy get the better of them and took it out on Ted. Hopefully, they've apologized to him by now...

I'm only here to learn about hot peppers (growing, cooking with, storing, etc.) and don't really appreciate the drama that has suddenly cropped up. When this site stops being fun, I'll just leave it...When the day comes that I NEED a 2 million SHU pepper, I'll re-assess my life's priorities :)

You are correct, meinchoh, a private resolution should be tried first. That was not clear in my post, but I definitely say to try to work it out with the person first, but if need be, post it!

One thing people have to remember is, it's just a video by some guy, and, if after watching the first video by Ted, they don't like those vids or that guy...DON'T WATCH ANY MORE!

This is just a little topic, THP is so much more than one post, so please don't let this one topic derail anyone.
Ted, I don't really know how to say what I have been thinking for a while, but I am gonna try. You say you want constructive criticism, well here you go... I see you kind of come out of the woodwork, align yourself with some of the "names" in the business and tell us all how everyone is BEGGING for you to review their products. Yet, every thread I see here and on FB is of YOU asking for peppers and sauces to review. I do admire your passion, but it seems to me more like attention seeking behavior. Everything about you screams LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want credibility as a reviewer, then just review. Peppers and sauces are just that, peppers and sauces. They are not "challenges". We all eat them here. It is not a frat house prank. Sitting there chugging a bottle of extract and spitting your guts out on camera can hardly be considered a review. Just sayin'
Jay T block me...Put me on ignore if you don't want to read what I am posting DON'T READ IT .....I don't beg anyone for anything I like doing it and yeah I do say hey I would like to try that but i don't beg for anything. When people send me stuff I share it. I have about 11 people at the University that I let sample the items too.
Yeah I have videos that show me vomiting blood, puking like crazy,cursing and more!!!!! Big deal people like it or they don't. Attention seeking behavior well you have your opinion and you can think that all you want :cool:
I don't need you to take me serious I don't do any of this for JAY T I do it for the average joe and JayT its working....Now if someone wants to give me a link I will put it up. if not ok don't

I have a lot of fans that like me to do the challenges if you don't like it and that's not what a reviewer does I guess i'm not your average reviewer....
I'M PART A TIME REVIEWER :halo: I have tried to get away from the more crazy stuff but when i have a ton of people asking and it sounds fun i try it....

JayT do me a favor what's your name on FB I will help you out so you don't have to see me talk about myself.......See a lot of people on FB like to see what i'm doing so that's how I keep in contact. If you give me your name I will make sure you don't have see my name anymore.

and one more thing
get your facts straight I have never said anyone is begging me to review a product :banghead:

JayT I think you should try the ignore option it works
Ted, I am talking about how you dominate every topic in the Chilehead community on FB. I am not your "friend" there so you don't have to block or ignore me. As for begging for stuff, I have seen countless threads both here and on FB where you ask for Peppers and sauces for review. If you need me to find them and post them I will. You believe what you want. You obviously need attention and need to have "fans". I don't. I post reviews and let people read them if they want to. I also don't understand how you don't see that you are a pawn in someone's chess game with this Moruga. You say you don't want to be involved, but then there you are shouting from the rooftops as always. I know, I know, just send me peppers and I will review them for all my fans... GET OFF MY INTERNET.
dude why don't you get a life.I myself have one LOL and i'm having a good time living it. You sound like a sad person Jay T what can I do to make your life better?

your internet dude LMAO
hey I will do this for you. How about every time you make a post on a thread I will make one too. that way you see your FRIEND Ted is here to keep you company.

love you buddy
friends forever

fellow reviewer

Be back later....And JayT I will check in on you later so you make sure you behave :rofl:
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