worst food ever

Local pizza joint ran a special woodfired pie this weekend.

Butternut squash, fried kale, and pomegranate salsa. On a pizza! I hope someone got fired over that one.

What horrible dishes have you seen offered in restaurants?
scratchzilla said:
Local pizza joint ran a special woodfired pie this weekend.
Butternut squash, fried kale, and pomegranate salsa. On a pizza! I hope someone got fired over that one.
What horrible dishes have you seen offered in restaurants?
I hit the LIKE button just so I could UNLIKE it! :lol:

I hope you aren't going back!
Sounds like you need to expand your food mind, at least a bit. Butternut squash and pomegranate sounds like a good combo to me, and on top of a pastry-type crust would probably be very good. I don't know about the kale part, but clearly someone tried it and liked it enough to think it was good to offer for sale. No, it's not traditional pizza toppings, but frankly, I can see it would have possibilities, if one is open to new food experiences.
I might agree that the flavor combination might work in some scenario, but at what point is a pizza no longer a pizza?   Pastry-type crust (which I understand to be like a pie crust, not a yeast-based crust)  does not make a "pizza".  '
If anything with a flat crust-type-base and any kind of topping qualifies as a "pizza", then I guess it all works and anything goes.  :)
Any other weird things people have seen on the menus?
the 2 pizza parlors within the 25 mile radius of our home use their yeast-crust pizza for their dessert-crust things and also for the crust-stix that they serve with ceasar salads.  I was just questioning the definition of a pie crust pastry being used for a pizza. 
What is the definition of pizza?  I'm off to google it~
Nice Try, THP!  not gonna happen!
I have a pretty open mind. I have eaten everything from Bison tongue to Lutefisk.

But that crap in the OP is NOT good OR pizza.

Moving on to bad restaurant foods... Ever ordered 'Mussel Fettuccine', and their beards weren't pulled? I have.
Personal bitch is when restaurants (seemingly 'nice' restaurants) serve clam chowder....in a nice flat bowl...with all the clams still in the shells....
WTH?!?!???  I'm ordering clam chowder, I want to eat the clams!  I shouldn't have to dig through the creamy soup with my fingers to get the clams........

fortunately haven't encountered the bearded mussels yet....
Other-EDIT_ nevermind_   MOVING ON!!!
I dunno about the pizza Scratchy posted about and to be honest it doesn't sound all that great to me but...
One of the more trendy and popular pizza's these days has roasted brussel sprouts as a main topping.
Who woulda' thought that would be any good?
On the other hand, just because all the foo foo joints are doing it doesn't mean its still not crap!
Scoville DeVille said:
SL, that's just ámbiánce. :rofl:
So I totally missed it?  That doesn't surprise me.  So...  AmBeyYance is trying to eat clams out of a cream soup with your fingers?  Or is it that...the clams in a bowl of soup with a price of $10 per bowl are not supposed to be eaten?  They are just for aesthetics and the customer is just supposed to sip the 3 oz of broth and leave the actual clams?
ps- those are semi-rhetorical questions not directed specifically at Scoville Deville
Lit up boats out in the bay... Soft jazz pillowing your ears... Candle light shining on you lovers face.... Steam rolling of the fresh bread....
Clam chowder flipped up on the ceiling and onto the people at the next table trying to get that damm clam out...

salsalady said:
So I totally missed it?  That doesn't surprise me.  So...  AmBeyYance is trying to eat clams out of a cream soup with your fingers?  Or is it that...the clams in a bowl of soup with a price of $10 per bowl are not supposed to be eaten?  They are just for aesthetics and the customer is just supposed to sip the 3 oz of broth and leave the actual clams?
ps- those are semi-rhetorical questions not directed specifically at Scoville Deville
Thats just Scovie. I recall him mentioning working at a foo foo seafood house in Seattle. Ray's Boathouse was it?