Just curious. I'm still new to experimenting with fermentation. I made a couple batches of fermented reaper sauce, and fermented chocolate habanero sauce last year, and both turned out nice and funky. I let them both go two months before processing.
Now I'm fermenting a one gallon container of mango/onion/pepper/lemon/oregano/garlic/idkwhatelse and my container isn't great for fermenting. It bubbled over, broke the seal on the water lock, and there was a ton of salt all around the top of the lid. Before, I was using 1 quart mason jars, and I didn't have any problems with the ferment exploding/bubbling over. This one, though, I don't think I had enough head space.
SO. I can either dump some out, and continue fermenting, or move some of it to another jar, continue fermenting, or just straight-up process it all now. It's only been one month.
What difference is there between one month and two? What difference is there between a month and a year as far as fermenting flavor? Is it significant? Is it worth waiting? I have no idea. I'm impatient. But I mean, at what point should I call it quits, or at what point should I say, "just a few more months, and it's golden?" Does it consistently age and grow in flavor, or does it take a significant amount of time for a difference to be noticeable?
I'm not saying I can't tell the difference between a fermented sauce and a vinegar-based sauce, but I have no idea how fermented sauces differ from one another if made similarly, but aged and processed separately.
I guess if I'm really curious, I could conduct such an experiment myself, but I'm just curious. My hot sauce ferment has been bubbling/brewing for 28 days. I'd wait longer, but the container sucks, so I'm eager to process it.
Now I'm fermenting a one gallon container of mango/onion/pepper/lemon/oregano/garlic/idkwhatelse and my container isn't great for fermenting. It bubbled over, broke the seal on the water lock, and there was a ton of salt all around the top of the lid. Before, I was using 1 quart mason jars, and I didn't have any problems with the ferment exploding/bubbling over. This one, though, I don't think I had enough head space.
SO. I can either dump some out, and continue fermenting, or move some of it to another jar, continue fermenting, or just straight-up process it all now. It's only been one month.
What difference is there between one month and two? What difference is there between a month and a year as far as fermenting flavor? Is it significant? Is it worth waiting? I have no idea. I'm impatient. But I mean, at what point should I call it quits, or at what point should I say, "just a few more months, and it's golden?" Does it consistently age and grow in flavor, or does it take a significant amount of time for a difference to be noticeable?
I'm not saying I can't tell the difference between a fermented sauce and a vinegar-based sauce, but I have no idea how fermented sauces differ from one another if made similarly, but aged and processed separately.
I guess if I'm really curious, I could conduct such an experiment myself, but I'm just curious. My hot sauce ferment has been bubbling/brewing for 28 days. I'd wait longer, but the container sucks, so I'm eager to process it.