• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wrightdaddy's 2012 grow log

I've been reading everyones grow log figured i should start my own. I have already started a few different kinds starting the others tomorrow. I soak my seeds over night in plain water then i plant them in 4in pots 4 kinds per pot 2 seeds each then I transplant them into there own 4in pot when they show second set of true leaves. For lighting i use a double four foot light fixture with 2 daylight bulbs 80 watts. at about 6in they get transplanted into a one gallon pot then they get put under two four foot light strips with three daylight bulbs and one grow bulb. they reside there till they go outside i know its a little low on lighting but its just to get a head start before they go outside once out side they go into 3 or 5 gall on pots depending on size of plant. for soil i mix roughly 1/2 compost 1/4 peat 1/8 perilite 1/8 vermiculite. ill post pics later just have a couple sprouts now.

2012 list

purple naga
black pequin
peach bhut
trinadad perfume
tobago seasoning
red peter
butch t
white fatalii
red rocoto
spicy mustard hab
fish pepper
brain strain red
brain strain yellow
chocolate hab long
cgn 21500
7 pot red
red missle
hatch green chille

Im sure ill add more before im done.

overwintered from last season

giant ghost
royal black
jamaican red
white hab
santa fe
golden hab
bhut jalokia
sweet pics WD. I hope I can have as many plants as that going....IDK we will see. They look real good. It feels real good to know you can take something from seed and show mother nature how it's done until the spring. GL with the sprouts :)
:( Bacio didnt make it :banghead: dont know why exactly some times it just happens.But here are some that did make it :party:

well my original planting I got about 70% germination probably a combination of jiffy pods and bad seeds but better luck next time. I have a little more room since I bought the new light so Im starting a few more. chiltepin from guatemala, bohamian goat pepper, west indian yellow hab., bonda ma jacque.
It is a beautiful 75 degrees here today so I took the babys outside for some fresh air and sunshine and gave them a little drink and took a few pics enjoy








:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nice tread WD great start for the season, you really have it going on, I'm officially jealous of your weather, will be 5 months before I see those temps. good luck to you and will be stopping from time to time,. SC
That's so cool to set some sprouts basking out in the sun!.........I'b be happy just to put some of mine in a sunny window.

just wanted to thank you all again for your your kind comments and all the help and knowledge I have recieved from all the kind folks on this forum. Happy growing and good luck.