• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wrightdaddy's 2012 grow log

I've been reading everyones grow log figured i should start my own. I have already started a few different kinds starting the others tomorrow. I soak my seeds over night in plain water then i plant them in 4in pots 4 kinds per pot 2 seeds each then I transplant them into there own 4in pot when they show second set of true leaves. For lighting i use a double four foot light fixture with 2 daylight bulbs 80 watts. at about 6in they get transplanted into a one gallon pot then they get put under two four foot light strips with three daylight bulbs and one grow bulb. they reside there till they go outside i know its a little low on lighting but its just to get a head start before they go outside once out side they go into 3 or 5 gall on pots depending on size of plant. for soil i mix roughly 1/2 compost 1/4 peat 1/8 perilite 1/8 vermiculite. ill post pics later just have a couple sprouts now.

2012 list

purple naga
black pequin
peach bhut
trinadad perfume
tobago seasoning
red peter
butch t
white fatalii
red rocoto
spicy mustard hab
fish pepper
brain strain red
brain strain yellow
chocolate hab long
cgn 21500
7 pot red
red missle
hatch green chille

Im sure ill add more before im done.

overwintered from last season

giant ghost
royal black
jamaican red
white hab
santa fe
golden hab
bhut jalokia
Things be looking good Prime Chuck! Those Hatch chile's should grow like monsters, those babies were made for your Arizona weather.
LOL... I keep hoping you post something I can disagree with so I can say "thats wrongdaddy". Maybe thats funny, or maybe i'm just over tired. But either way nice looking grow :)
I will be having tons of seeds for the hatch if any one wants any let me know they are a great tasting low heat pepper great for stuffing and roasting,
NM hatch flowers.

NM twilight flower
just got done watering all the plants ive been watering every other day. and every other watering watering they get some sort of fert not on any specific fert schedule i feel variety is good ive been using fox farms grow big and big bloom and alternating between those two with the occasional does of super thrive and cold pressed see weed extract will soon switch out the big bloom with tiger bloom. here are a few new pics.

check this bad boy out he is growing like weed lately. this is the NM hatch.

a couple of hatch pods.

first super chilli pod.

my daughters cherry tomato.

the chilli farm.
I use the scotch tape labeling also. All these forks, venitian blinds,and dewey decimal systems seem like too much work and thinking. Nice penmanship on the Bhut x Doug. I deal with other peoples writing all day and there isn't much I respect more than neat handwriting.
+1 hooda! The plants are looking great out in the nice weather!
Dang your plants are looking great! That NM Hatch is an awesome looking plant! Not as cool as the Rocoto but still pretty awesome. Are your plants staying outside threw they night? what are your night time lows right now?
Chuck your plants look posh in those large containers, those will be supersized by the end of your long growing season.
Nice NMH plant, mine are still in 3" pots. I started all my "Jims, Anaheims, Hatches" later this year than usual but I know those varieties spring up like weeds.
My Pubescen varieties are taking it hard indoors under the strong lighting and warmth. I'll most likely find a place outdoors with afternoon shade.

Nothin like a Red Rocoto or Yellow Manzano "Pico de Gallo"
Nice photo update!

Dang your plants are looking great! That NM Hatch is an awesome looking plant! Not as cool as the Rocoto but still pretty awesome. Are your plants staying outside threw they night? what are your night time lows right now?
Yeah they have all been outside since the begining of march it was still a little cool then I should have waited till the middle of march. But now the weather is perfect lows in the low 50s and highs are low to mid 80s. Thanx for stopping by and checking it out. Happy growing.
Mother F$#&ING aphids. I found some on a couple of my plants and no money to fight back ill try some soap water till I can get some money. Hope I don't lose this war.