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Wrightdaddy's 2012 grow log

I've been reading everyones grow log figured i should start my own. I have already started a few different kinds starting the others tomorrow. I soak my seeds over night in plain water then i plant them in 4in pots 4 kinds per pot 2 seeds each then I transplant them into there own 4in pot when they show second set of true leaves. For lighting i use a double four foot light fixture with 2 daylight bulbs 80 watts. at about 6in they get transplanted into a one gallon pot then they get put under two four foot light strips with three daylight bulbs and one grow bulb. they reside there till they go outside i know its a little low on lighting but its just to get a head start before they go outside once out side they go into 3 or 5 gall on pots depending on size of plant. for soil i mix roughly 1/2 compost 1/4 peat 1/8 perilite 1/8 vermiculite. ill post pics later just have a couple sprouts now.

2012 list

purple naga
black pequin
peach bhut
trinadad perfume
tobago seasoning
red peter
butch t
white fatalii
red rocoto
spicy mustard hab
fish pepper
brain strain red
brain strain yellow
chocolate hab long
cgn 21500
7 pot red
red missle
hatch green chille

Im sure ill add more before im done.

overwintered from last season

giant ghost
royal black
jamaican red
white hab
santa fe
golden hab
bhut jalokia
Hell yeah wd!!!! Woot woot. Oh I found that they sell neem oil at wallyworld for 5~6 bucks less than the hydro stores. Hope the soap water works.
Good luck getting the aphids under control, WD. They are
despicable in my view, but I know they are God's creatures.
What does She have against us : ) ?

At least you can enjoy the great growth rate on those pods!
I got them bastids!!! no more aphids for now. I used the old soap water and added a little spray of flying insect killer (raid) into the mix 2 doses of that a day apart and there gone. :P :P :P . Moved all the plants to the front yard I think they were getting to much sun out back no shade so now there under a big mesquite tree.

the amzingly fast growing hatch pods.

a couple serranos

this is my 2 yr old serrano plant. lots of flowers and pods on this baby.

thanx for stopping by and checking it out. :fireball: :dance:
Those hatch chilis are awesome! I have a freezer full of them...Can't wait to see how big jim stacks up to them. NIce job on the aphids...might have to do that this weekend.
Raid? There is an "earth friendly" type of Raid that you can use on fruits and vegies called Raid Earth Options. I wouldn't use any of the other ones on anything you're going to eat. Not in a million years.
Raid? There is an "earth friendly" type of Raid that you can use on fruits and vegies called Raid Earth Options. I wouldn't use any of the other ones on anything you're going to eat. Not in a million years.
I didnt want to but i was desperate and no money so I had to use what I had. It was a very small amount and I figured by the time I harvest it will have all been washed off. It was a last resort.
Nice Work Daddy'o. Everything is looking beautiful. I really like that Black Pequin. Glad things are going well for you buddy. Keep them pics a'rolling
Plants and pods looking great, Wrightdaddy.
As for the Aphid control, sometimes you got to do what you got to do.
Hope that's the end of that story!