wanted WTB Trinidad Scorpion Seeds or bare root plants

Tried Hippy Seed Co....twice...100% failure rate on the seeds. Not sure if it was the seeds or me...I followed the enclosed instructions. Anyways...just checking to see if any one had some seeds or maybe some plants they didn't want. Thanks.
wow My Scorps from him 100% success. Contact Luke at the THSC and I am sure he will help you out.

Sometimes seeds take a really long time to sprout. Earlier this year I gave up after a month for a 7pot batch and threw them out last week I looked at the jiffy's I threw aside and discovered they eventually had in fact sprouted but had died cause of lack of water, I was really kicking myself.

Try a few different sprouting methods and make sure they are in a really humid environment.
Well...that's good to hear...it's been about 3 weeks so far and nothing so maybe there is still hope for this second batch. All my other peppers have sprouted after about 10-14 days...that's why I thought these were duds. I'll keep them going a bit longer to see what happens. Thanks for the advice.
Joey is right. Sometimes some seeds will just be PITA's. make sure your temps are right and they medium is moist, but not SOAKING wet. make sure it's a GOOD medium as well. What do you have them in? What temps are you keeping them at? I had most of my plants germinate with 7 days this year.
That and sometimes they just pop when they want. Seeds must be women! lol
haha...I have them in a Jiffy Pot greenhouse thing...they have worked in the past so that's what I am using now...temps are in the 70's and 80's and moisture is good.
I have an idea bro....send me some of those seeds (cuz im dyen for some) and i will test em out for you if they sprout and grow i will send you pods. Purty please...
How are you preparing your seeds i buy all my seeds from neil and ive only had a couple not sprout but you should have atleast got some to sprout im sure thehippyseedcompany Mob will help you out just let them know what happen and how your trying to start them
I just used Jiffy Pots like recommended on his sight. I soaked them per instructions and rung them out so they were damp but not dripping wet, make a small dent on top and covered. I sprinkled few drops of water on top of that and sealed up the green house box. It's nice and humid and stays in the 70's up to the 80's in the box. I just planted a bunch of habanero seeds yesterday in the same box so I guess I'll see how those do as well. I am going to give it another week or so before I contact Neil since it seems the consensus is these seeds can take awhile to do anything...I don't want to jump the gun.
Try to keep em around 85-86 degrees which is the optimal temp for germinating seeds. I have not had any issues with any seeds from THSC. Just give em time.