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WTF is this?

Found these unexpectedly tonight. They don't have a very strong flavor, but have pretty respectable heat. Any idea what the hell they might be? Again, why would the store label what they are selling? Morons. :D

fineexampl said:
Found these unexpectedly tonight. They don't have a very strong flavor, but have pretty respectable heat. Any idea what the hell they might be? Again, why would the store label what they are selling? Morons. :D


I just got a bunch of peppers that look very similar to these at a Waldbaums but mine were more yellow then orange. Are yours at all lemony? Mine have a good deal of lemon flavor.
UnNatural said:
I just got a bunch of peppers that look very similar to these at a Waldbaums but mine were more yellow then orange. Are yours at all lemony? Mine have a good deal of lemon flavor.
hmm. i don't know. i'll find out this weekend i suspect. i have some canning to do and i'll find out at that time.
fineexampl said:
Found these unexpectedly tonight. They don't have a very strong flavor, but have pretty respectable heat. Any idea what the hell they might be? Again, why would the store label what they are selling? Morons. :D


Philipperv said:
I grow those. Just call them "Orange Thai".

I had similar ones too from an Asia shop. Great for poppers. They were also said to be from Thailand. I already have four seedlings...
Philipperv said:
I grow those. Just call them "Orange Thai".

Armadillo said:
I had similar ones too from an Asia shop. Great for poppers. They were also said to be from Thailand. I already have four seedlings...

well they may be orange & from thailand or another part of SE asia, but they're NOT orange thai's!
these are orange thai's
