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XXLarge 7POD

hi guys this is the XX LARGE yellow 7POD from trinidad now this is not the original 7pod its differant strain that is super big in size now you can tell if you you have the original 7pod from trinidad or not is if your 7pod have wrinkly skin on the shoulder area or under the calyx you have the original but if the skin is smooth its not its differant strain

this pic is the XXLARGE 7POD or i should say 8POD bcz its huge



if you look at this pic you will find its not the original 7pod even it has same teast but the size it bigger and the skin not same


now this pic below is the true original 7pod if your dont look liek this one you got differant varaiety at least thats what my friend from trinidad told me... so if the info iam providing is wrong its what i was told ;-)


any other info pic are welcom
My yellow 7's have smooth and wrinkly pods on the same plant and some are quite big but not like that massive one in the pic :)
That is massive. Those new yellow 7s you got look more similar to the congo yellows im growing. The size of my congo yellows are huge.
Beautiful pics. how does the heat compare?
I also have a yellow T. Scorpion from Trinicoolieboy that puts out those huge yellow pods just like yours Judy. Not sure what to think about my plant as the pods are huge but not the best flavor yellow C. Chinense I've ever tried, almost sour tasting. Please give us a taste report of your XXLarge 7POD, I really like the flavor or the original yellow 7 I've tried very citrisy. Good work with the new hot pepper source in T&T, beautiful garden you must have. :cheers:
yes they are hot but with sharp citrus flavor

if your plant have some wrinkly and smooth thats normal most trinidads pods dont look same they are not all uniformed but if the whole plant has pods that are just smooth its not the original one but if its some pods that could happen for exmpl the trinidad scorpion you will never have same tail on all pods the uniformed pods shape doesnt happen in most trinidads
any one agrees
actualy cappy the garden is doing so good that iam giving away 30 pounds of c.chinense i have some wild plant over 6 feet its huge bush
The last few years I found that my yellow 7's(SR) would not get wrinkled/pitted pods until I brought the plants into my hot greenhouse. Most of this year's pods are wrinkling just fine outside with all the crazy heat. Many now have tails/stingers (like a scorpion) which is strange because this is on my 3rd year plant which had no tails/stingers in previous years.
actualy cappy the garden is doing so good that iam giving away 30 pounds of c.chinense i have some wild plant over 6 feet its huge bush
WOW... 30 pounds of chinese pods to give away! :shocked: Congrats on your super garden, very happy that you're doing so well! :cool: Great pics, keep them coming ;)
Does it have the same amount of heat? If so wow a HUGE pod that has a ton of heat! That's why of things I hated about some of the old superhots is they where so dang small...
Im still a little disturbed from my video. lol It looks so ANGRY! :hell: Bet it tastes wonderful though. Great looking pics.