Could be an orange hab, wait till it ripens and give it a taste test. 

I have a second T.S. but has yet to put on a pepper pod, so maybe there is still hope? The Trinidad Congo Black I bought there has pods that look pretty much like I would expect a Chocolate Hab to look like. No matter, I bought some seeds off of Neil so I can go ahead germinate a few if that happens to be the case.
I wonder what Chinese it is, as it seems to have been miss labeled? Maybe an Orange Hab?
Hard to tell from just the one pic but it looks like my red caribbeans. Starts off a real light green, kinda pointy at the tip, and ripens from green to an orangish red finishing up bright red.
Whats the reason for the dark-room or tent? Chiles don't really need a completely dark cycle to produce, and a tent usually limits air circulation and holds in heat. You may be better off simply using mylar on walls for reflection
Ate that Caribbean Red just a few moments ago. Taste was good and citrus like. Not a whole lot of heat in the mouth or throat but wow, hit my stomach and it was hard to sit up straight. The stomach pain lasted about 5 minutes now it's just a warm feeling.
Pretty fun.
I dont think your Bhut is a Bhut.
Don't you hate to say that? Man I do.
Got to agree Yaargh's, Bhuts don't grow upright, color is off a bit, no wrinkly enough and it isn't covered with pimples. Sorry man, really hope I'm wrong.
do all the bhut pods look pretty much the same as the picture you posted?