Yaargh!'s first steps. New here and to growing peppers

I have a second T.S. but has yet to put on a pepper pod, so maybe there is still hope? The Trinidad Congo Black I bought there has pods that look pretty much like I would expect a Chocolate Hab to look like. No matter, I bought some seeds off of Neil so I can go ahead germinate a few if that happens to be the case.

I wonder what Chinese it is, as it seems to have been miss labeled? Maybe an Orange Hab?

Hard to tell from just the one pic but it looks like my red caribbeans. Starts off a real light green, kinda pointy at the tip, and ripens from green to an orangish red finishing up bright red.
Hard to tell from just the one pic but it looks like my red caribbeans. Starts off a real light green, kinda pointy at the tip, and ripens from green to an orangish red finishing up bright red.

I'll be sure to post a picture of it once it is ripe. I'm hoping that the other plant labeled as such is correct. I bought a tabasco and a Trinidad Congo Black which are, so far, true to form. I just wish this recent stormy weather doesn't kill my plants while at work.

In the next week or so I'll be purchasing a dark room/grow tent to start up some 5gal hydroponic buckets. I've got two African Birdseye sprouts as well as two 7pod varieties and a Fatalii growing in rockwool.
Whats the reason for the dark-room or tent? Chiles don't really need a completely dark cycle to produce, and a tent usually limits air circulation and holds in heat. You may be better off simply using mylar on walls for reflection
Whats the reason for the dark-room or tent? Chiles don't really need a completely dark cycle to produce, and a tent usually limits air circulation and holds in heat. You may be better off simply using mylar on walls for reflection

The reason for the dark room is to restrict the glow of the HPS bulb in my apartment and the height will keep my lamp higher up than my previous shelf set up.

My apartment isn't all that spacious. The glow kinda ruins any movie experience if I want to keep them on a cycle.
Hmm.. well it looks like I have had several individuals agree that the mislabeled pepper is most likely a Caribbean Red. I'll probably eat it today along with a stir fry.

I think I may retire the Hot Cherry and the Hot Bananas. While I like both of them I would like to try growing a larger version of the hot cherry. The Hot Banana was ok. At this moment I do not have any desire to grow anymore, so I'll be cutting them down later this week. I've got some African Birdseye seedlings in plastic cups waiting to occupy their old space. Next, I've got two 5gal buckets ready to plop a T.S. Morouga and 7pod "SR" in for another round of hydro as well.
Ate that Caribbean Red just a few moments ago. Taste was good and citrus like. Not a whole lot of heat in the mouth or throat but wow, hit my stomach and it was hard to sit up straight. The stomach pain lasted about 5 minutes now it's just a warm feeling.

Pretty fun.
Ate that Caribbean Red just a few moments ago. Taste was good and citrus like. Not a whole lot of heat in the mouth or throat but wow, hit my stomach and it was hard to sit up straight. The stomach pain lasted about 5 minutes now it's just a warm feeling.

Pretty fun.

The Caribbean Reds are tasty and I'm with you on the hot banana...I think this is my first and last year growing them. They're ok but I could use the grow space for varieties I like much better.
Alright the second plant I bought that was labeled Trinidad Scorpion is setting pods. Does anyone have a picture of newly set T.S. pods? I'd like to make a comparison. I'll post a picture tomorrow as it's too late in the evening for a decent photo.
Well, dang it. The pods on the second plant that was labeled as a T.S. is definitely growing to look the same as the other plant that has been strongly described as a Caribbean Red. While I am annoyed, the pepper is still pretty tasty. Just that I was pretty excited to have been growing what I thought would have been a T.S.

No matter. I have a 7pod "SR" and a T.S. Morouga seedlings putting on their 1st set of true leaves in hydro. The ABE seedling is also doing well.

I seem to have an insect problem with the plants on the balcony. They look like bulky tiny spiders and seem to be leaving white spots on the ripening pods. I have neem oil but it appears to be ineffective.

I'd like to stay relatively organic but I'm willing to go chemical. Any suggestions?
Well, alright. Everything has been going well. I have what looks like Bhut Jolokias (I'll post a photo after work) and I'm waiting patiently for a decent harvest. I'm hoping the developing bhut pods will get a chance to fully ripen before the season ends.

I went ahead and ordered some seeds from the CPI. Got their BJ seeds and some others. One was the jalamundo which I started to germinate right away. The Trinidad Scorpion Morouga and 7pod SR I have in hydro are slowly developing their second set of true leaves while the African Birdseye might need to be potted up from the plastic beer cup. I'm not having a whole lot of luck germinating a few other super hots. In comparison, the Yellow Trinidad Scotch Bonnet seeds popped up rather quickly.

I took care of the bug problem with some eco whatever spray. There are weevil like bugs that keep coming back though.
Some good news and bad news

Here's the bad news, I don't know what is up with my "golden" habs but I think it could be fungal?

Good news is that my Trinidad Congo Black are starting to ripen while my Bhut is coming along alright, tons of pods.

Don't you hate to say that? Man I do.

Got to agree Yaargh's, Bhuts don't grow upright, color is off a bit, no wrinkly enough and it isn't covered with pimples. Sorry man, really hope I'm wrong.

It's not actually growing upright I was holding the branch. They're all hanging. Still, I got the seeds from Pepper Joe and his rep is kinda questionable from what I've read. So, I'll find out soon enough.
Probably my single largest harvest for my first year.

For the winter I've got my Trinidad Scorpion Morouga and 7pod SR in 5gal hydro buckets along with a Jalamundo and African Birdseye in soil. Can't wait to show their progress.