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Yaotzin's Grow progress 2011

I have been trying out some new germination tricks and after waiting only 1-2 days after putting in some seed that was carefully clipped (like i saw done by another forum member) i have a sprout all the others have been in a week or two and still nothing as of yet with Chamomile tea soak and regular water soak and also the slightly sanded ones so i will continue my experiments :twisted: and will see how things progress. hopefully the Primo 7 pod seed that has just germinated grows well enough to overwinter under lights and produce lots of seed for me next year!
Another update as i have a few more pods breaking the caps so here they are but better Quality this time :woohoo:



oh and my Datil thats just started to flower! :dance:


I can take from this that the Gel Cap method works for me! and that i will now use it as a primary method for saving my seeds as it couldnt be easier!! :woohoo:
i hope this helps others on the forum wanting to keep their seeds true! :D
Well another small update as i have a few pods just starting to break the caps off
so took a couple of photos


Oh and my 7 Pod Primo seedling taken just a few mins a go couldnt wait for next year so it will get a good start in the greenhouse later and put under lights when it gets cold

How do the plants pollinate in the greenhouse w/o assistance from Mother Nature?
Chilli plants can self polinate so you can leave them or help by using a cotton bud. i leave mine plus if you cap them they will either self polinate or drop off but mostly for me they are just growing lots of pods plus bees do tend to find their way into the greenhouse as its not closed hence why i cap my flowers to keep seeds true
just a quick phone cam picture of one of my crazy 7 pod Jonah pods I love this variety as they are bloody hot and form like strange clumps of plasticine
Unfortunately I have found out that one of my Douglah plants came from a crossed seed so I am hoping my other two are ok. Pictures of it coming later for you guys to give me an idea of what it could be
Here is the pod ripening and the other is another pod (still growing on the same plant) any ideas?

Heres one of a pod on one of my other Douglahs and looks nothing like the red podded plant so guessing its just maybe a rogue seed or Cross
Unbelievable pictures.

I live in Portugal, with a 9 months grow season, and I'm embarrassed of my plants when compared to yours.

Unbelievable pictures.

I live in Portugal, with a 9 months grow season, and I'm embarrassed of my plants when compared to yours.

Thankyou for the kind words but they are far from perfect as i see in your growlog you seem to be doing alot better with your Douglahs than i am with mine i cant wait to see yours once they ripen up!
i wish i had a 9 month grow season but i guess my girlfriend wouldnt be too happy if we did! :rofl:
I got more pictures for you guys to see!!
first up was my first pod of the season which had no seeds as an early small pod:

More Jonahs some on the same plant i got the ripe one off and some on another:








And this one is of the douglah cross / Random as this is the only plant but newer pods look different.
the first pod was not hot but sweet like a bell pepper sweet but second one i thought meh.. pop it in and try it was sweet again but more heat this time!. scratching my head on this one as i am unsure on what it could be... any ideas guys?:


lastly for now i have a Datil flower that managed not to be capped and also one of my Butch T pods ha ha haaaaa :hell:


where do you get these gel caps, if you don't mind me asking? It sounds like a brilliant idea to get seed stock!
where do you get these gel caps, if you don't mind me asking? It sounds like a brilliant idea to get seed stock!

I got them from amazon uk, look for gelatine capsules size 2 i think they are more easily found in the states. I only got 100 of them but you can use both sides so it makes enough for 200 flowers.