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Yellowing Leaves


I have some seedlings going. They all used have only green leaves but some of the leaves are now starting to turn a bit yellow.

I have them under a 2600K and a 6500K CFL bulb. It is a very simple setup. They seem to be growing (albeit slowly) but I was wondering if I should be concerned at all.

JJBagoose said:

I have some seedlings going. They all used have only green leaves but some of the leaves are now starting to turn a bit yellow.

I have them under a 2600K and a 6500K CFL bulb. It is a very simple setup. They seem to be growing (albeit slowly) but I was wondering if I should be concerned at all.


All of my hot peppers have been fine, but my tomatillos and bell peppers have all done that as well. Started out ok, then the leaves started yellowing. I figured I'd leave them be, cause I'm likely to kill them if I try anything drastic. The tomatillos first 2 leaves yellowed, then dropped off, but the other leaves on the same plant are fine. The bell peppers are doing the same thing - the cotyledons yellow and fall off, but the rest of the leaves seem ok... Growth is REALLY slow, though... Those darn bell peppers are growing slower than my superhots!
I was thinking that my plants are not getting enough "good light" and this might have causes some of the discoloration.
Rob said:
How big are they? Do you have pictures?

They are not very big. A couple inches max.

I have some pictures at home that I can post later tonight. But first I have to go take my final exam :mouthonfire:
JJBagoose said:

I have some seedlings going. They all used have only green leaves but some of the leaves are now starting to turn a bit yellow.

I have them under a 2600K and a 6500K CFL bulb. It is a very simple setup. They seem to be growing (albeit slowly) but I was wondering if I should be concerned at all.


I had the same thing, Yellowing leaves and stunted growth.

I sprayed them with 1 tablespoon Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) in a gallon of water, sprinkled a little Epsom salt around the base of the plant and gave them some high Nitrogen fert.

They are VERY green now, only took about three days :)

Also, how many lights are you using? I have one 26 Watt CFL per plant with reflectors.
I also had the same thing with a couple of plants and I did as RichardK described accept, I didn't sprinkle Epsom Salt around the base. All of my plants are green now and looking healthy. BTW...I think yellowing leaves can also be caused by too much water. Keep us posted and can't wait to see your pics.
here's something I posted recently:

Calcium (Ca) deficiency can cause new leaves to distort or take on a hooked apearance, growing tips may also die off.

Nitrogen (N) deficiency generally causes older leaves (bottom leaves) to yellow with remaining foliage turning light green. slow growth and yellow spindly stems also.

Magnesium (Mg) deficiency can cause slow growth and cause leaves to turn pale yellow with new growth being yellow with dark spots.

Phosphorous (P) deficiency can cause leaves to take on a red/purple tint. leaf tips may look burnt with older leaves looking nearly black. fruit and seed production is reduced.

Potassium (K) deficiency causes older leaves to look scorched around the edges and possibly wilted also. yellowing between the leaf veins may be evident.

Sulphur/sulfur (S) deficient plants have new growth turning pale yellow with older growth remaining green. plant growth is stunted.

Boron (B) def. may be evidenced by poor stem and root growth, buds die off, a 'witch's broom' effect may sometimes form.

Copper (Cu) def. causes stunted growth with leaves becoming limp, curling or dropping off.

Manganese (Mn) def. causes slow growth, younger leaves turn pale yellow often this discolouration starts between the veins. dark or dead spots may develop, reduced size of leaves and fruit and failure to blossom.

Molybdenum (Mo) def. - older leaves yellow with remaining foliage turning bright green. leaves can narrow and become distorted.

Zinc (Zn) def. causes interveinal chlorosis (yellowing between the veins) of new growth. end leaves may form a rosette.

foliage discolouration can also be caused by soil that is too wet and/or poorly drained or soil that is too compacted inhibiting root growth. those growing in containers or those having a lot of clay in the ground beware. too much fert is also very bad, many growers kill their plants with kindness. too much fert will cause plants to look scorched or wilted even though your watering regime is adequate.
thanks mate - it's not the definitive document regarding deficiencies but I'm working on expanding it. I've put a copy of it on my blog here at THP
chilliman64 said:
thanks mate - it's not the definitive document regarding deficiencies but I'm working on expanding it. I've put a copy of it on my blog here at THP

Oh nice, I'll have to follow your blog. I wonder if the THP blogs have RSS feeds that I can add to my google reader. It would be sweet to have your posts show up in my reader so I don't need to check back.

EDIT: Well I just checked and of course they do, Sweet!
It seems the easiest way to get a N boost is by using Miracle Grow (Nursery Formula) 20-20-20 I didnt dilute it and had great results ....I think I will go back to my normal ferts after because I had been mixing my solution all along in half now I should be back on schedule and mixing appropriatly ... they just needed a little "bump"