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yield Yield?

Any idea of typical yields on reapers and choc habs? I know huge variables but a swag for growing outdoors in the Southeast in 5g pots? Trying to write a business plan. Thanks y'all.
WhatYouKnowAbhutThat said:
Don't think you can really "sell" Reapers. Like the guy that made them has the rights for 15 years?
The only rights Ed has afaik is to Smokin Ed's Carolina reaper. 
Will46r said:
Any idea of typical yields on reapers and choc habs? I know huge variables but a swag for growing outdoors in the Southeast in 5g pots? Trying to write a business plan. Thanks y'all.
Can't say anything about reapers and chocolate habs as I haven't grown those (growing reapers for the first time this year), but other habs that I've grown have been very productive. If the chocolates are anything like the orange I grew 2 years ago, they'll just keep pumping pods until the frost comes.
Last year, I had very low production of Reapers, maybe a dozen pods per plant.
On the other hand, I had a couple of Jamaican Hot Chocolate Habaneros that produced roughly a hundred pods each.
If you want huge production, pot in huge containers. I'm talking 10, 12, 15 gallons or even bigger! While some pepper plants will stay small, those varieties should love the additional leg room.
Agricultural output yields are normally measured in metric tons per hectare. Some prefer bushels per acre, but make sure to watch out for the imperial conversion when using pecks. For individual berry/pod yields, the median probability density function values are often utilized.

Unfortunately, I can't produce a fully trimmed mid-range number mine all over the #@#$ place. One constant is my habs always out produce Reapers and similar superhots pod-wise.
On YouTube, there's a video of some lady across the pond with a bhut jolokia plant that was maybe 3 years old (trying to go from memory). It was planted in a 20 gallon pot and produced over 700 pods. Go big for best results.

Wait... is this a "hypothetical business plan" for a business course? Don't know why that thought just crossed my mind, but it did.
Swampy_NZ said:
The key to big yields is big pots.Mine are in 17,29 and 42 gallons.
My yellow scorpion has produced 5.5 kgs so far and is still loaded and my reapers so far have around 1kg each off them.
Big pots = big plants = big yields.

Swampy I get sick with envy every time you post that damn pic, can you please stop adding it to any more threads ;)
Phil said:
On YouTube, there's a video of some lady across the pond with a bhut jolokia plant that was maybe 3 years old (trying to go from memory). It was planted in a 20 gallon pot and produced over 700 pods. Go big for best results.

Wait... is this a "hypothetical business plan" for a business course? Don't know why that thought just crossed my mind, but it did.
dorset naga