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off-topic You know what really grinds my gears?!?

I do the same 
thing. I'll try to 
do better, boss. I'm 
sorry. hahahah

The Hot Pepper said:
What about how TB makes a post
He starts a new line
every 5 words
so all his posts
look like a
double spaced
book report
don't believe me
go look at ANY post
to be honest it grinds my gears lol!!!!
:lol:  yea...that too!  ^^^^  sheesh, the length of several threads could probably reduced by 18-27% just by TB typing normally.....

salsalady said:
:lol:  yea...that too!  ^^^^  sheesh, the length of several threads could probably reduced by 18-27% just by TB typing normally.....
every 20 posts the page changes to the next one. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I can't make this shit up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

texas blues said:
Keystone Light.
Bud Light.
Busch Light.
Its all good.
All the vets here on this site know that its cheapness.
And it sorta'kinda' tastes like real beer.
But we don't drink it for that.
We drink it for the buzz and because its cheap.
When I want champaigne I drink Clicquot.
When I want scotch I drink 12 yo Macallan.
When I want good tequila I drink The Kah or Don Julio.
And when I want good tasting beer, I drink Alaskan Amber, Pinkus Alt, Pilsner Urquell, et. al.
When I'm cookin' and drinkin' beer for effect and the buzz, I go for cheapness.
Right now I'm drinkin' a Spaten Optimator.
No pics because the critics of cheap beer don't deserve it.
And for the record.
Paulky just did a tour in Afganistan.
Please let the man drink the beer of his choice in peace por favor.
That damn swabby deserves our thanks and respect!
Carry on sailor.

TB. That seriously hurt my brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!
salsalady said:
you know what really grinds my gears when someone emails usually from a poopphone and never use a single punctuation mark or capitol letter in10 sentences even for phone numbers and names like pure evil theres not even any capital letters i mean i know there are periods and commas on the letters portion on my phone so I imagine others phones are the same way I even replied to one person with a ps punctuation is your friend lol the next email they sent had proper punctuation and capitol letters.  I mean seriously punctuation can save a persons life
lets eat grandpa
Let's Eat, Grandpa.
There also seems to be a rebellion against capital letters - addresses, names, states, etc.  Seems like every time I get an order I'm manually formatting the address label. Not that I don't appreciate every single order I get - I do, really. Much love and all that. But is it really that hard to write a name & address with the proper formatting?
grinds my gears. 
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
There also seems to be a rebellion against capital letters - addresses, names, states, etc.  Seems like every time I get an order I'm manually formatting the address label. Not that I don't appreciate every single order I get - I do, really. Much love and all that. But is it really that hard to write a name & address with the proper formatting?
grinds my gears. 
efficiency is paramount to aesthetics and/or expressiveness at times ...
i opted-in to not bothering to capitalize for the most part starting in like '92, and it's not causing anyone any trouble ...
The Hot Pepper said:
The horse seems to like it.
grantmichaels said:
efficiency is paramount to aesthetics and/or expressiveness at times ...
i opted-in to not bothering to capitalize for the most part starting in like '92, and it's not causing anyone any trouble ...
Again, it's not causing me physical harm - I can correct the address labels. I just wish I could cut & paste without having to - your "efficiency" may well be creating inconvenience for others.
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Again, it's not causing me physical harm - I can correct the address labels. I just wish I could cut & paste without having to - your "efficiency" may well be creating inconvenience for others.
The Times They Are Changin' ...

Even the Apple ownership experience is fading ... had shit support last week, and both of my last two iMacs have had a blown pixel upon arrival.