You know you're a Chilli nut when...............

When a seasoned islander who loves pepper tries your hot sauce, and gets all red in the face and sweaty, and tells you that "yeah, thats a bit hot" then backs down the amount next time, while you hardly blink...and you start chuckling at him like he is the rookie, lol.   been there done that
Shorerider said:
Hey I'm sensitive to her needs, I'd go out and hand her an umbrella.  :party:
You find yourself making excuses to make another batch of hot sauce.
That was me tonight, lol
Just processed some Alleppo peppers for fermenting tonight...I said I need another milder version for those who cannot tolerate it too hot. Like the wifey, and friends. Really though, its just an excuse :shh:
Some funny comments so I wish I could walk into a restaurant and have a chef come out the kitchen with his mouth on fire from using my peppers...especially a seasoned chef that is no stranger to heat... You know, I might just give it a try for the hell of it, why not. Next time I am at Thai Villa by my home, I think I am going to surprise the waitress and hand here a couple of supers.... *throws out the fishing line and just waits for a hook* Maybe I can throw in a comment like, "make sure you mention to the chef that these are a little too hot for him, so tell him to be careful, as it might be too much for him to handle" Its like telling a kid not to eat any candy, right when you leave the room...
Shorerider said:
Hey I'm sensitive to her needs, I'd go out and hand her an umbrella.  :party:
You find yourself making excuses to make another batch of hot sauce.
2 batches back to back this weekend. I can leave the windows open no matter what the outside temperature and still be toasty warm while the whole house fan is on.
I knew I was a chili head back in 98, I was sitting down to lunch with a Pilipino friend of mine and he sat two habaneros on the table and challenged me to eat one. While he was cutting his up I popped mine in my mouth and ate it, as I watched his eyes go wide. Since then, it has been the hunt for the perfect pepper, completely ignoring the after eating gut punch, and flamethrower fluctuation.
When for some reason everything you see in the world reminds you of something chilli related.
For example, from the movie "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey", Bill says to Ted:
"Ted, don't fear the Reaper !"
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