You know you're a Chilli nut when...............

ShortcutToHell said:
...when people walk into your house and start coughing.
...when you give your mom one of your precious scotch bonnets saying, "These are mild, anyone can eat these things." She can't, and no longer trusts you.
...when you're banned from using the cutting board and your dehydrator is no longer allowed in the house.
...when you don't do facebook, you do THP.
.....? What's "facebook"? What kind of peppers do they grow?
ShortcutToHell said:
Probably more than you care to know, but here's the wikipedia link:
Some THP members and vendors have fb pages to connect with one another or to promote business. You need to have a profile of your own to view other profiles.
...assuming this is a serious question.
Not a serious question... but i have asked questions that naive. The straight answer is a kind courtesy. Thanks.
mikeg said:
Not a serious question... but i have asked questions that naive. The straight answer is a kind courtesy. Thanks.
I suspected...but on the off-chance there was someone on the planet who didn't know what fb is, I played it straight.
People playing it straight are the reason i don't stay lost when i'm far from home, and the reason i feel at home, here, rather than feeling like a stranger in this friendly place.

On a more frivolous note: "You know you're a chilihead when...
... ANYTHING on facebook has the potential to burn your a** more than your last meal."
When you eat something like a whole superhot or some sort of challenge wings, knowing full well that you are going to end up in the bathroom with stomach cramps.  Then you swear you will never do it again.  Until the next time.
When you have superhot ice cream, brownies, pies, cakes, cookies, drinks, salads...

Although, truth be told, this

was what I first saw. I find the former to look much less... how do you say, dildo-ish. Epic fail by whoever the puddin' head was that designed this breakable prosthetic sex organ.
"You are not allowed to use that image exten...blahbitty blah blah blah"
Buncha pooftas :D
miguelovic said:

Although, truth be told, this

was what I first saw. I find the former to look much less... how do you say, dildo-ish. Epic fail by whoever the puddin' head was that designed this breakable prosthetic sex organ.
"You are not allowed to use that image exten...blahbitty blah blah blah"
Buncha pooftas :D
Now now, that looks very ergonomic.  ;)
Huhhh.... i would've said "ergotic", but i think that ergot has something to do with fungal diseases of grain, food poisoning, and LSD...

Ah well... " You know you're a chili nut when..." respond to a post on a THP thread that deviant -- with something even weirder.

....aaannnd... you know you're a chili nut when you...

...are stung by a Scorpion...
...scythed by a Reaper...
...cooked in a 7-Pot...
...stomped by a Bhut...
...bitten by a Naga Viper...

...and -- it feels like a slice of heaven !!!