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You know you're a Chilli nut when...............

ShortcutToHell said:
If you tell me they're painted black with teensy sparkles on top, you'll have me worried!  :rolleyes:
Nah, just little pepper decals on each one :party:
I asked my wife to do that, she came home with strawberry ones on her toes.
I was not amused :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
When every order you place for seeds is a gamble and you may never see them, but keep ordering anyway.

When you are constantly liking your fingers to check if there's any heat on them before touching your eyes, face etc.

When straight super hots are a cure for any illness or alement.

When you are eat someone's "hot dish" and tell them it's fine and they don't believe you. But really you are fine.
you know you're a chilli-nut-
when you program your computer to boot up and automatically log in to THP 10 minutes before your alarm goes off
if you check THP before starting the coffee
if noone will try anything you make, even if you tell them "It's not that hot!  Trust Me!" :halo:
when you start you start referring to people you know IRL by their THP login names
(for the guys) when you put gloves on before going to the bathroom ;)
When you go to a Thai restaurant and your "hot" meal comes,  you add extra Chilli, then half way through it others at the table are asking if you're ok.
Hell yeah, I love the sweat beading on my forehead, my face turning red and my nose running like a tap. I live for this $#!+.