You know you're a Chilli nut when...............

Roguejim said:
When the wife is yapping at you about something on Facebook, and you have that distant, blank stare on your face that indicates you are still thinking about something you read on The Hot Pepper forum.
FROG DOG said:
when you offer people something to taste, and they always ask "is it spicy?>>>>
when you have off limit grow zones on your own property because of kids being around.
when your mom cooks something and asks if you used her wooden spoon for chillies.
when people fear a sauce you just made
when the hottest dish at a thai restaurant just isn't cutting it
when people say you talk about growing peppers like people talk about growing weed
when you wake wake up at 1 in the morning and realize your hands are on fire from deseeding a bunch of reapers that evening BARE HANDED!!!
there's a few i've encountered...
impending_bending said:
Someone you know uses the phrase "this cupcake is spicy"
wow that's scary true. Just did a spit take on that one :)
Shorerider said:
When "Ring of Fire" isn't a necessarily a Johnny Cash classic.
OUCH!! Burning ring of fire (shudder)
Now that it's been mentioned anyone have a good recipe for spicy cupcakes. Oh sorry I have an addiction! :)
oldsalty said:
Now that it's been mentioned anyone have a good recipe for spicy cupcakes. Oh sorry I have an addiction! :)
Someone sent me some Pure Evil Snickerdoodles to try.  SalsaKid was in the car when I opened the box and I said "Oh, Cookies!  How nice!".
'Kid says "COOKIES?!?!???" grabs one and takes a big bite. 
He gets this strange look on his face and says, "Pure Evil Cookies??? What Is Wrong With You People???"
True Story.
Great story Salsalady very funny nothing faster then a little tikes hand when cookies are in play. Lol!
Pure evil cookies great name for a product! Give him a high five for me no matter how you try your first spicy treat it's already to late. The seed has been planted the chili bug has been planted. :) also great way to get them to drink their milk! Lol
CHEERS, Salsalady very funny :) leave a pile of sliced reapers on the counter and exit the room for a minute. When you return, your normally steady husband is red-eyed, streaming tears and leaning over the toilet. "What the heck?! Are you alright?" "No." "What's wrong?" "I ate some of your reapers!" "You WHAT?!" "What were you thinking?!" "I just wanted to try it." "Well that was like taking a little shortcut to hell, wasn't it?!"  Me> laughing, laughing, laughing...and there's my username. :D
oldsalty said:
Great story Salsalady very funny nothing faster then a little tikes hand when cookies are in play. Lol!
Pure evil cookies great name for a product! Give him a high five for me no matter how you try your first spicy treat it's already to late. The seed has been planted the chili bug has been planted. :) also great way to get them to drink their milk! Lol
CHEERS, Salsalady very funny :)
It's more than a good name for a cookie ;) .. Pure Evil is what I make.  It makes great brownies and drinks also.
PS- you know you're a chilli nut when you find yourself posting on THP instead of doing up invoices so customers can pay you.  
which is what i'm supposed to be doing right now...
salsalady said:
It's more than a good name for a cookie ;) .. Pure Evil is what I make.  It makes great brownies and drinks also.
PS- you know you're a chilli nut when you find yourself posting on THP instead of doing up invoices so customers can pay you.  
which is what i'm supposed to be doing right now...
lol naughty naughty, let me apologize for my nube ignorance on your products Salsalady ( bowing,tipping hat) Would love to purchase said Pure Evil. Love the name by the way. Please let me know how to make this happen my friend and fellow chili head. :)
@oldsalty- no worries, mi amigo.  It's all there on the website.  I'm going to post a holiday special in a week or so that will include some P.E.  ;) 
:lol@ muskymojo.  We have a new kitten, wonder how hot she'll handle.  She's quite feisty right now.
Shorerider said:
When you remove a seasonal non-chilli crop from your garden and savor in the fact that now you can plant more Chillies.
Same here. Planning to grow fewer tomatoes and more peppers in 2015. Would like to take part of the lawn to expand chili selection. Just need to convince above-mentioned husband that growing more reapers is a good idea.

ShortcutToHell said:
need to convince above-mentioned husband that growing more reapers is a good idea.

What the? :rolleyes:  That's normally the other way around. He sounds like a lucky man in my books.