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kitchenware Your favorite kitchen knifes...


You talk shit about quality steel...people have died for less.

I hav nothing but shit American knives...yet I hava Stone to kep them 'sharp'.

I'd would do a hit if it actually got me a custom Santoku.
Hell, throw in a olde worlde Katana...

I'm in the wrong <bleeeep. country..

Yup, I'm a bad man. I had the henkel tip chip when it hit the edge of my granite countertop. Bent tip I get, but broken? I think henkel are made in mexico now anyways.

It was either the henkel or wurstof that didn't even have a FULL TANG!

But you know that feeling when you have a GOOD knife in your hands? It's got proper heft, it feels balanced and cuts through meat n veg like nothing... it just feel's RIGHT. I haven't really found that yet. :oops:
lostmind said:
Yup, I'm a bad man. I had the henkel tip chip when it hit the edge of my granite countertop. Bent tip I get, but broken? I think henkel are made in mexico now anyways.

It was either the henkel or wurstof that didn't even have a FULL TANG!

But you know that feeling when you have a GOOD knife in your hands? It's got proper heft, it feels balanced and cuts through meat n veg like nothing... it just feel's RIGHT. I haven't really found that yet. :(

you have to watch what kind of Henkel you buy now... if it had 2 little men(more expensive) on it, its made in Germany still...if it just has one little man(cheaper) on it, its made in china or mexico

if you find a little kitchen gadjet place in a mall that sells henkels, take your knife to them whether it is the cheap one or expensive one...if it is not to your liking, they will send it away free of charge and you will get a new knife...even if the knife is bent or broken
I just busted open a new box of Henkels. Used the kitchen shears to trim up my wings tonight, and the slicing knife to cut lemons and limes. Nice little set.

Yeah I know, a cleaver is best for wings, but shears are good too.
thehotpepper.com said:
I just busted open a new box of Henkels. Used the kitchen shears to trim up my wings tonight, and the slicing knife to cut lemons and limes. Nice little set.

Yeah I know, a cleaver is best for wings, but shears are good too.

if you cut a chicken wing properly, a pairing knife works as well... bend the wing a little,make a slice in the skin, it will show the joint, cut through..wing ready for deepfrying.

i use whatever knife,cleaver,kitchen shears come out of the drawer first..they all work good..lol
Yup they all work good (though Henkel says don't cut bones), the wing tip comes off easy, but for the joint between the wing and the drumette, if you bend it backward and break it first, it cuts like a charm. All done with shears.
This is an 11 piece set made in Germany with the Santoku. Man, I can't believe I've never opened this box, lol. It's being put to good use now.
thehotpepper.com said:
This is an 11 piece set made in Germany with the Santoku. Man, I can't believe I've never opened this box, lol. It's being put to good use now.

if it has one man on the blade then its not made in germany..if the blade displays two men then its made in germany


I do have to admit those all are some nice knives!!! Here is probably my favorite "knife" to use!!


works great on a whole hog !!!!! the look on peoples faces are absolutly priceless!!!!
BamsBBQ said:
if it has one man on the blade then its not made in germany..if the blade displays two men then its made in germany


They're the two-man logo, and the box and the knives say Made in Germany. Score.
If i could afford one i'd get one of the Shun Ken Onion Chef's knife. My sister has one and it is the shizznit. It can take anything she throws at it. The handle is super comfortable and it keeps it's edge for a very long time. Plus, when it's in it's stand, it makes for some cool eye candy on the kitchen counter.
yeah the ken onion blade is wicked looking.. I actually had intended to buy it instead of the classic. In the end I went with what felt better in my hand than with looks but it was a close thing.. I really really wanted that look. At the end of the day if you are going to lay out a bit of money on a knife ,you need to go with the one that feels like an extension of your hand. The nice thing with the shun's is that they have different options with the same style. They have knives with extra weight in the bolster for my handle side balance, and even different blade geometry. the classic has approx. 12 degree angle on two sides but then you can get a more japanese single side angle in the pro line. For comparison the german style knives are slightly thicker and the angle is about 33 degrees .
lostmind said:
I have a Shun Santoku knife. Very nice but missing just a bit of heft. Holds an edge nicely though.

I have a ceramic nakiri knife that is VERY sharp but also too light and it has 1 small chip from being dropped in the sink when being washed. I use it for chopping herbs. Not much else.

I have an Ameriware 67 layer knife set my wife bought me from Costco. They have great heft and look great but they don't seem to hold an edge as well as the Shun. I find myself resharpening all the time.

Maybe I just suck at sharpening? I dunno.

I've had Wurstof, Henkel, some crazy late night tv knifes... Never liked any of them. I'm still not completely happy and I've spent quite a bit of money on knives. I'm not even an AMATEUR chef. What's wrong with me?

Do you have one of these?
I have a pretty eclectic collection of knives. A Henkels santuka, a couple Wusthof paring knives, couple of very sharp Japanese blades, a Chinese vegetable clever, and a bunch of Dexter/Russel knives left from my culinary school kit. The Japanese blades are my favorite but the Dexter/Russell stuff are the work horse blades of my kitchen.


personaly i love my santoku i just bought not to long ago.. but realisticaly i dont have a fav knife. since i can make nearly any knife a good knife.. as long as it holds an edge decently well.

but yea i have waaay to many knifes at my house. its also another hobby of mine to sharpen knives. i have a pocket knife almost at a katana style edge. maybe 2 hours or so more work on it and i will have a true 3degree grind.
I just bought a new set of Zwilling JA Henkels knives, and I have to say they are some of the best knives I have used. They replaced a knife set that was about 10 yrs old that my mom gave me, and what a difference in the way they feel in your hand. I cant say much on the sharpness of them because I always had the other set sharpened by a family friend that makes one of a kind custom knives.