You talk shit about quality steel...people have died for less.
I hav nothing but shit American knives...yet I hava Stone to kep them 'sharp'.
I'd would do a hit if it actually got me a custom Santoku.
Hell, throw in a olde worlde Katana...
I'm in the wrong <bleeeep. country..
Yup, I'm a bad man. I had the henkel tip chip when it hit the edge of my granite countertop. Bent tip I get, but broken? I think henkel are made in mexico now anyways.
It was either the henkel or wurstof that didn't even have a FULL TANG!
But you know that feeling when you have a GOOD knife in your hands? It's got proper heft, it feels balanced and cuts through meat n veg like nothing... it just feel's RIGHT. I haven't really found that yet.