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kitchenware Your favorite kitchen knifes...

lostmind said:
Yup and I use it. Doesn't seem to help the ameriware stuff at all.

the honeing steel dosent sharpen it just straitens out the edge because with use the edge on a kife will bend over and become dull. you use the honeing steel to straiten it out again. but if you are cuting overly acidic foods it will eat that "burr" and then turn the kife dull and no amount of honeing will sharpen it again until you actually remove some material.
N_FF said:
the honeing steel dosent sharpen it just straitens out the edge because with use the edge on a kife will bend over and become dull. you use the honeing steel to straiten it out again. but if you are cuting overly acidic foods it will eat that "burr" and then turn the kife dull and no amount of honeing will sharpen it again until you actually remove some material.
I always rinse my good knives seconds after cutting anything. The acid is no good for the blade, the finish, or the handle. Even if it's non-acidic it's good practice.
indeed it is. but still over time the edge will deteriate and will need sharpening. but untill then every time you take a knife out give it a couple passes with the hone and you'l be good. (sharpening things is a hobby of mine )

I have a set of Global Knives. I like that they are all one piece and have no joins so no food can get stuck anywhere. They also cut well. My partner sharpens them on a stone and then I use the ceramic knife sharpener in the picture every now and then to keep them sharp.

I like the look of the Shun knives.
Yeah, I have cheap knives alas, but a decent steel.

I think it might be an Emeril brand...or just a POS from some knife set. I got for $1.50 at Value Village so I don't care. ;)

Bad pic..was too dark in here...

Closeup of the marking
Dyce51 said:
I do have to admit those all are some nice knives!!! Here is probably my favorite "knife" to use!!


works great on a whole hog !!!!! the look on peoples faces are absolutly priceless!!!!

all good
i mean with a heavy knife half the work is done for you. that and when the needs arise they can have a lot of force behind them.
I call these my Fab-Five:


Honing Steel, Chef, Paring, Bread, and the mother of them all...

The flat-bladed cleaver!

I have many more....but these are all you really need.
paulky_2000 said:
Mine was less than $20 and it holds a great edge!!
it all depends on what Kind of edge you put on a knife. if you put like a 30 degree edge on each side that edge will last a long time. where as if your puting a 15 degree on each side it will be sharper but it will be more prone to rolling/chipping. but the vegetable knife i linked is made of vg-10 with sus410 layers which create a Damascus pattern which prevents food from sticking and the vg 10 takes and holds and edge exceptionaly well. that and i always wanted a Japanese style cleaver and i also always wanted a Damascus blade too. so best of both worlds and it wont rust ether.