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movies Your favorite movie

Comedy: Monty Python's Life of Brian and Holy Grail.
Team America - World Police
Mel Brooks Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein
Shaun of the Dead
Hot Fuzz

Apocalypse Now
28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later
Falling Down
Pans Labyrinth
American Psycho
Eyes Wide Shut
Fight Club
Old School
Butterfly Effect
The Shining
Mulholland Dr.
Friday The 13th (first 6)
cheezydemon said:
Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are almost always a winning combo, but Sweeney Todd was a little to droll fo me. What is the original like?

Musicals aren't exactly my thing...i was having troubles watching that movie as well:shocked:
Omri said:
I do admit to have an addiction to Doctor Who

I've never seen Dr. Who, the old one or the new one. But I know Billie Piper was in the new one for a while and I totally dig that chick.

I'm not a huge movie buff, but I'd say my top 2 are Lord of War and The Fifth Element and I like pretty much any stoner movie.
Thanatopsis said:
I've never seen Dr. Who, the old one or the new one. But I know Billie Piper was in the new one for a while and I totally dig that chick.

I'm not a huge movie buff, but I'd say my top 2 are Lord of War and The Fifth Element and I like pretty much any stoner movie.
Oh it's a great show, you should totally watch it.
There's an Israeli movie I really liked, and I think recommended it here almost two years ago. the movie's called Beaufort. a beautiful movie.

That looks like a good movie Omri. One thing I've often wondered about with the Israeli army - those cloth covers on troop's helmets. Are they that size and shape for a reason?
Yep, they're made for the northern Israeli scenery. it has changed a bit in the last few decades, but the concept still remains.
There's a new war movie called Lebanon that I really want to watch. It talks about the same war as in Beaufort (First Lebanon war in the early 80s), but focuses on the armored corps instead. It's about a tank crew of four. Already won a couple of prizes and endless nominations so should be good. Waiting for it to be released.

DevilDuck said:
I have to say Memento. I've never seen a movie done that way (before this).

Grifters was a good one as well.

Memento was awesome!!! Made you feel like YOU had no short-term memory. I rate it with my other favorites: Seven,Shawshank Redemption, Shindler's List, Braveheart, both Ace Ventura movies and Jake Speed (for sentimental reasons).
Everyone should watch The Shawshank Redemption at least once. It's one of those rare movies where at the end you actually feel like you've learnt something about the human spirit, and it leaves you feeling good. Absolute masterpiece!
Badger said:
Everyone should watch The Shawshank Redemption at least once. It's one of those rare movies where at the end you actually feel like you've learnt something about the human spirit, and it leaves you feeling good. Absolute masterpiece!
I have to agree with you a 100% - it was even better then pulp fiction that came out the same year-(i didn't think anything could
top that one in 1994)...boy i was wrong :cool:such a feel good movie...no wonder it's number one on the imdb list of greatest films:cool:
Slumdog mIllionaire was pretty good
new star trek was good.

AJ Toxic avenger is hilarious. the way he kills people is funny too, gotta watch it uncensored like not on t.v.
The toxic avenger is one of the best love stories commited to celluloid:cool:(i actually prefer it over that other overrated movie you mentioned):lol:
captainpepper said:
The toxic avenger is one of the best love stories commited to celluloid:cool:(i actually prefer it over that other overrated movie you mentioned):lol:

no....that would be "Swamp Thing"...

mmmmmmmmm....Adrienne Barbeau toplesssss.....;)