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Dang... during the entire covid period I kept using public transport multiple times a day, I kept sleeping with the wife without protection ( :seeya: ) when she had covid a couple of months ago... I was starting to think that I couldn't be hit... until this week!
Wishing you a speedy recovery, my friend.
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Voodoo 6
Voodoo 6
Never Vaxxed, never sick since 1998. Entire crew at work caught it, had to shut the place down for 2 weeks. still rocking out the miles. The almighty does see fit to hand me out the injuries though. Hope you kick covids ass. Cheers!
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Much better already, will be back at work on Monday! 🙂
Getting stuff organized for another Making Hot Sauce 101 class. Posts at the end of Jan.
Hey, Happy Birthday @skullbiker! Hope you have a great day!

Grass Snake
Grass Snake
Happy Birthday Christmas GIF
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu
Wow, it's almost time to sow chinense again. As fast as time moves for me now at 42, it must be downright offensive at 65 and beyond. Members with more experience - thoughts on this? Share your perspective?
The 5th annual Secret Satan Gift exchange, get in while you can before time runs out!!!
A-Train should be ready to head you way on Monday.
Send me your addy, and I'll send you the goodies.