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2nd attempt in sauce making

ok this is my second attempt at making the hot sauce.. this time using even hotter peppers.! Assam bhuts. what an experience! this is that i put in the mesh which i blended. after that i cooked it about 25 minutes added some apple cider vinegar ,salt and olive oil.

after cooking it and cooling it.

while blending the mesh i got some splash on to my forehead, hands and arms..!!! crazy burn!! felt it for about 4 hours. my finger nails are still burning the next day. ( on and off). While cooking , the fumes were choking! had to bring in a stand fan to blow air out of the kitchen. my body was having burning sensation all over.. hehehe took shower twice! lucky when i was cooking nobody was around. :) hehehe

i might modify the sauce with some mango or papaya to reduce spread the heat a bit becos its super hot! :onfire: ! (hmm has some burning piss) hahaha wondering if i add some stevia leaves in this how would it taste like ? have anybody tried it before ?
I've been interested in playing with stevia but just haven't had the chance to grow it yet. I have heard it is amazingly sweet, so maybe that would offset the burn burn burn of your sauce. :mouthonfire:

Are those little peppers tabascos?

The sauce looks great buddy!
I've been interested in playing with stevia but just haven't had the chance to grow it yet. I have heard it is amazingly sweet, so maybe that would offset the burn burn burn of your sauce. :mouthonfire:

Are those little peppers tabascos?

The sauce looks great buddy!
thanks :) yup those little peppers are tabasco peppers. you know what .. i went home yesterday and tasted my sauce again.. the heat was tolerate-able and i like it :) so i am not going to add anything to mesh up the heat that it has :) hehehe

Looking good! With that many bhuts in a bottle, I'm sure it's plenty hot too.
there were only 8 pods of bhuts and the rest were tabasco's