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contest October ideas

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The "small dollar amount" can be seen in the official TD posts. It could be 5 cents, $1.50, 80 cents, whatever. We won't know until THP posts on Friday. Just put coins and/or bills totaling the appropriate amount in at least one pic. Frequently he says it can be in your "teaser" pic(s), if you choose to post a teaser, or in your final pics if not.
Can I find a complete tutorial on TD's in the TD forums? I don't have a computer where I'm at right now, but if there's a topic on it I can do a search for it and get a quick review when I get to a computer. Thanks again geeme for the help

Edit: I think I got it. I read the past couple months. The only question I haven't seen is when to buy product? Can you buy items needed that morning (even though Boss hasn't given the word)?
Aaron, you can buy your ingredients whenever ahead of time. A week before, last month, Sunday Morning ( :lol: )...The only one that had the time restraint on purchasing ingredients was the $5 challenge.

You're not supposed to start cooking until The Boss posts the official rules which will include the Proof of Life coin amount. Sometimes he'll throw in a requirement that may change how or what you cook and present, so it's best to wait for the official rules.

Looking forward to your entry! GL~
Thanks SL. Guess I'll wait til boss announces the rules. As this is my first TD I don't expect much, but I'll give u a run for your money. :)
Don't worry, Aaron, it won't take much to outrun me this go-around! :lol:
This ones going to be a challenge for sure, but that makes it interesting. I've never made anything German, but I know of a German store, i can get ideas there. Either way, can't wait to see what comes up. :)
Who drinks half a beer? I'm curious how that happens? Did you trip and spill the rest? :lol:
Who drinks half a beer? I'm curious how that happens?
I cannot lie - I rarely drink more than half a beer. Well, I rarely drink beer, so that should come as no surprise!
It's easy - just put some of the super-sticky cling wrap on it, and it's fine the next day.

Well, not that I would expect you to ever find that out for yourself! :lol:
:rofl: Good one geeme but that joke belongs in The Fun Zone.
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