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Baker's Peppers 2012 GLOG

Welcome everyone and thanks for dropping by to check out how things are going here at Baker's Peppers! This GLOG is more geared for everyone to just follow us and our production this year..nothing serious, just for fun :) Remember this all started in my other thread on here...heres the link.... http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/26029-indoor-grow-area-build-grow-pics/page__fromsearch__1 ...now i will continue the progress here as im guessing you have seen enough seed germination and grow...lol...Now we move to the meat of the operation! :) Heres a few pics of what i currently have on the ground in the nursery....this isnt all of it, just some pics i snapped today of some areas im working on lately :)

Brain Strain Red


Mix of stuff..ones up close are t scorp yellow, 7 pot yellow, bhut indian carbon, choc t scorp and a few other types...far away on bench is T scorp Red Iso


Up close is bhut jolokia yellow, in the middle area is t scorp red iso and far in the back is more bhut jolokia yellow


T Scorp Red Iso


T Scorp Red Iso


T Scorp Red Iso


Mix of stuff....choc bhut jolokia, t scorp yellow, 7 pot yellow, bhut jolokia indian carbon, white bhut jolokia :)


Brain Strain Yellow in the back.......T Scorp Red Iso up front :)


T Scorp Red


There is also about 2000+ still in the grow box inside....T Scorp Butch T, Red Bhut Jolokia, Brain Strain Red, 7 Pot Yellow, and T Scorp Red Iso..will get those pics posted tomorrow or the next day :)

To Be Continued......
not to shabby, I am hoping to get some land here in fla myself so i can get up to a bigger scale like yourself. By chance do you sell plumeria;s? or just peppers and palms

Was out potting up some Chocolate Fatalii and figured you guys HAD to see the roots on these plants coming out of the 4" pots :) These look amazingly healthy!!


Also had a chance to get some plug trays filled with some seeds i just got from AJ! Thanks a TON boss!! 3 trays X 288 per tray is 864 planted :)

Tray #1

Tray #2

Tray #3

Here they are side by side :)

Also got another 300 T Scorp Red Isolated planted into 3 gallon pots today........

To Be Continued......
Looks great, look at the root ball! Since you cannot give us the recipe for your soil mix. Can you give us any recipe that you know of besides the top secret one? :)
Lookin nice, but what are ya goin to do with them all? I know ya plan on selling plants, but what will ya do with all the pods that ya get from the plants ya don't sell. I know you can unload some here, but thats gonna be a ton of pods. Nice Choco fatalli, grew one last year and it was awful, no heat and even less flavor... I still have it in a pot, but if it isn't any better then out it goes.
Lookin nice, but what are ya goin to do with them all? I know ya plan on selling plants, but what will ya do with all the pods that ya get from the plants ya don't sell. I know you can unload some here, but thats gonna be a ton of pods. Nice Choco fatalli, grew one last year and it was awful, no heat and even less flavor... I still have it in a pot, but if it isn't any better then out it goes.
Actually about 8 tons to be exact...lol :) We have buyers interested, and also in the process of lining up more :) They will have no problem going somewhere i can assure you of that :) We are selling plants, but our main focus is on the fruit...co-packers, pepper importers/exporters, food distributors, chefs/restaraunt owners, hot sauce makers, powder/flake makers, bunches of places to go with them :)
wow that is crazy, you still don't have your whole grow list posted yet, I've been keeping a wish/shopping list of a few I saw you mention for when your ready to start shipping those plants out, :whistle: those are some crazy rootballs, I had some pretty good ones when I did mine, but even the best ones were not anywhere as thick as those roots.. very nice :eek:

Looks great, look at the root ball! Since you cannot give us the recipe for your soil mix. Can you give us any recipe that you know of besides the top secret one? :)

I have only been able to get that it is 40% pine bark fines lol.. so I stuck about 30% in my mix that I just planted up, hopefully when I transplant them in a few months they will look half as good!
Im sorry, the only mix i know of is the one we use..lol and yes its 40% Pine chips, 1/2 inch pieces :) You might require more or less depending on your waters Ph level, mine is roughly 7.2....
Actually about 8 tons to be exact...lol :) We have buyers interested, and also in the process of lining up more :) They will have no problem going somewhere i can assure you of that :) We are selling plants, but our main focus is on the fruit...co-packers, pepper importers/exporters, food distributors, chefs/restaraunt owners, hot sauce makers, powder/flake makers, bunches of places to go with them :)
So just reading between the lines here you are basically saying you grow on a small scale then ;) :D nah seriously bro those are some serious scales. I hope you find all the buyers you need this coming season and best of luck for the harvests.
Good luck with your crop this year! that's a very ambitious
undertaking. Here's hoping for absolutely perfect weather!
Nice looking operation! You must be seeing peppers in your sleep by now - assuming you actually have time for sleep :) Best of luck this year.
I was out getting some soil this morn, and Bowling Forest products has Pine fines 2 cu ft for 2.50 I got a bag just too fool with. I think it is dependent on where in the country your soil is blended, Fl has loads of pines, see them being hauled to the mill every day. I bet in the N.W. it is something else that is somewhat local...
yeah I can get 4 cu ft of shredded pine chips for $6, which is great for me, better than buying all that soil.. which I'm not doing anymore since it is better to just mix it yourself I think (unless you have it already mixed and all that like Dale does lol