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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

I hate thinning out seedlings, and I hate trashing growing plants even more but I've accepted it is necessary to get healthy plants in the numbers required.

I have now reached the stage in my grow where I have excess plants in pots which could otherwise live on and produce pods.. but they ain't going to be doing it at my place.

If anyone in the Perth area wants some free chilli plants they are welcome to come and grab what they want.

They are mostly super hot chinenses. I've already used the best ones in my garden and these are suffering from being well overdue for a pot up and are a bit waterlogged. They should bounce back when transplanted into a better draining mix.

Hopefully in the next few days I'll be potting up some more annuums and others and will have excess ones of them also. You can see them in the foreground.

The others in the bread trays have just left the hydro system and are hardening off. I haven't gone through them yet, but roughly a third of them will be excess also.

I know a lot of Perthians have grows that are going great and don't need more plants but I thought I'd ask. They are here if you want them. What I don't use will eventually be trashed.

edit: Ho Ho Ho
thanks for the shadecloth lavatung.

also i cut some of that chili for me and the missus, first part wasnt hot at all as it was just the outside no placenta etc (ribbing on the inside)

so we cut some bigger pieces that had all that in there...damn was nice burn, dissapearing now though. Didnt taste too bad, i did get a wiff of the smoky hab flavour.
One of my purple capsicums has finally set. Not exactly a fire-breather; fun nonetheless. :)


I hate thinning out seedlings, and I hate trashing growing plants even more but I've accepted it is necessary to get healthy plants in the numbers required.

I have now reached the stage in my grow where I have excess plants in pots which could otherwise live on and produce pods.. but they ain't going to be doing it at my place.

If anyone in the Perth area wants some free chilli plants they are welcome to come and grab what they want.

Thanks for those yesterday, mate. I've found homes for half a dozen of them with a friend and will look to getting the rest of them potted up sometime in the next few days.

Let me know if I can ever help you out with anything in return.
Dude your plants looks awesome. I'm starting to put my plants in large pots... what soil mix are these ones in?

Thanks for those yesterday, mate. I've found homes for half a dozen of them with a friend and will look to getting the rest of them potted up sometime in the next few days.

Let me know if I can ever help you out with anything in return.
Not a problem :)

Ringburndave also took some today but I still have about half left if anyone wants them?
Yeah thanks for those Megamoo :) After seeing your plants in the ground i've set myself a little project to transform one of my sandy raised beds into a chilli patch. I'll be busy tomorrow!

Will post some pics when I have them all planted
Yeah thanks for those Megamoo :) After seeing your plants in the ground i've set myself a little project to transform one of my sandy raised beds into a chilli patch. I'll be busy tomorrow!

Will post some pics when I have them all planted

Love to see pics of them growing big :)

Just finished off my limited edition xmas sauce collection :D


The jalapenos were grown myself but haven't had enough production for the rest.
where can we buy them?

You can't :P They are for friends n relatives for xmas presents. They aren't as hot as I could make them because no one in my family likes chilli like I do.

I actually looked into what you have to do to sell sauces legally... its a serious endeavour. Lots of expense and hoops to jump through. I'm not quite ready to go there yet.
I found these at the markets yesterday. Man they are hot. I'm scared to try my super hots now.

thanks for the shadecloth lavatung.

also i cut some of that chili for me and the missus, first part wasnt hot at all as it was just the outside no placenta etc (ribbing on the inside)

so we cut some bigger pieces that had all that in there...damn was nice burn, dissapearing now though. Didnt taste too bad, i did get a wiff of the smoky hab flavour.
No probs Mitch. It's was nice to meet you. I don't really rate those habs. They have a good burn though
yeah they were a bit of a kicker, but i found if you eat just the side without the internal ribs it wasnt too hot....i got cheeky then had a big piece then regretted it.

megamoo i was wondering the same thing about selling fresh pods. I might have WAY to many at my new place for next season so was wondering what you have to do to sell them...
Ladies and gentle men , boys and girls ! Mr T :)




Only found it coz I turned the pot! The photo dosnt do it justice it's huge . Gunna get it on the scale when it's ripe !


Yellow 7

This is the new chilli bed - thanks to Megamoo for the plants! (There's also a couple I picked up from bunnings in there). Mixed four bags of garden soil mix and a bag of sheep poo into the sand, then used sheep poo as a mulch as well. will see how they go!


These are my pots.. not going so great but there's plenty of time left. They're mostly just in plain potting mix from bunnings..