Recent content by pepperboy1995

  1. P

    seeds Germinating my seeds!

    No agway near me, actually i've never heard of it. Maybe some vermiculite and peat moss would work.
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    seeds Germinating my seeds!

    Alright could I find that at any walmart or lowes? This is my FIRST time trying to grow peppers, on a really low budget so i'm using lights and stuff I find around the house (i'm 16) I could probably buy some of that compost if I can find it.
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    seeds Germinating my seeds!

    Alright what type of soil/compost should i transplant them into when I need to, is Peat moss ok?
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    seeds Germinating my seeds!

    Hello everyone, My bhut jolokia seeds have just arrived in the mail today, I was wondering if I should just put them in the peat pellets when they arrive, or soak them in warm water for a couple hours then put them in the peat pellets?
  5. P

    Can I grow these seeds?

    Sadly I did get them off of ebay but from a very trusted seller who has sold 50 packages of them, with some very good reviews.
  6. P

    Can I grow these seeds?

    Yes, his plant is alive and healthy, but I ordered 20 seeds yesterday so they will be arriving in the mail shortly, I also ordered some peat pellets, I really hope this batch grows, if not i'll ask for a cutting.
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    Can I grow these seeds?

    This will be my first attempt so I really didn't know what to do, I have 20 more seeds coming in the mail now that I know what to do.
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    soil What type of soil to use?

    Ok thanks, I will see if I can pick some jiffy pucks up tomorrow could I get them at a Lowe's or home depot by any chance?
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    soil What type of soil to use?

    Hello everyone, I was wondering what type of soil I should use for the seeds that I should be receiving very soon, currently I have miracle grow potting mix, would that work for growing bhut's?
  10. P

    Can I grow these seeds?

    I won't give up on them, but I bought additional seeds just in case :rofl:
  11. P

    Would plant feed help?

    Ok thank you guys for the info, this saves me from killing my babies :lol:
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    chinense Bhut jolokia progress

    Thank you so much for the insightful info, I really hope they grow as promised, also how many seeds should I put in each cup, should I place them in a cup of warm water for a day or two before I plant them?
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    chinense Bhut jolokia progress I'm not quite sure if I can post links but this is the item I bought If you would like to check his feedback out as well as his selling post and tell me what you think, it would be highly...
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    chinense Bhut jolokia progress

    I looked at his feedback before I bought anything he has around 500 positive feedback and a 99.9% costumer satisfaction rating, they have all said everything had arrived and grown as described with a fairly high germination rate.