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  • Approval guy has a recipe for ya bro-

    Dude! Whats been happening? I haven't been around much, been busy with physical therapy, those are a bunch of sadistic wankers (I think that is a proper term :lol: ) Still not back to work yet :( I am beyond loosing my mind, it is gone. :lol:
    i sure did have a shit day!! lol.. its all good.. another day of digging tomorrow and then all should be fixed.. tellin ya though.. you dont want to smell my front yard at the moment!

    diet?? whats that?? come on.. you're heading into winter.. big jumpers and stuff.. you dont need a diet!

    few beers down and feeling cheery :D better not have too much tonight or tomorrow will not be fun with all that digging to do!
    mate, no need to dislike me for the early start to the weekend.. the day was spent helping mrmel dig up the sewer pipes out the front.. i would have much preferred to be at work considering fridays are usually pub days :P
    OY!! why arent you moderating??!!! i was gonna start causing trouble but its not much fun if there's noone there to tell me I'm being naughty :) hows it going?

    i'm a bit tipsy... start of the unofficial weekend and all :P
    you should definitely reapply for your license and give it another go! dad ended up just giving all his guns to my brother (even though they live in the same house) and my brother had to promise to keep the keys :D
    wow!! sounds like you did quite well when you were a bit younger :P how come you stopped?

    i grew up with lots of hunting and fishing going on round me.. i have two brothers so being the only girl meant i went along with a lot of it.. dad tried to get me into comp shooting when i was about 13 but at that stage wasnt interested in it.. my youngest brother does clay and most my relatives are big hunters so lots of expensive guns and fishing tools have been around for a long time :P

    my poor dad though doesnt have his guns anymore.. had some family dramas and to cut a long story short had police knocking on the door at midnight.. he's mostly deaf so didnt hear it was the cops, just had the dogs going off so answered the door with a .22 pointing at several cops... lucky he didnt get shot! it all worked out in the end and whilst he can re-apply for his gun license he's not so keen on it anymore.. prefers to live vicariously through my youngest brother :)
    what sort of rifle shooting awards have you won? they recent or when you were younger? my brother does comp clay shooting so interested in hearing what cha do :D
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