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  1. M

    No new growth...2 months

    Well I dug it upaand it wasn't very wet. I stopped watering for a week to allow everything to dry out and now he is dead :(. The root ball was less than an inch deep. Now I only have first year plants again. Not the worst outcome, but I had hopes for it. Well on to battling tomato blight...
  2. M

    No new growth...2 months

    Here are a couple of pictures of peppers that were planted at the same time.   Above is my Diablo plant.  Just started flowering before the heat wave, but I think it killed off the blooms.   Above is my Fresno.  This has a good twenty peppers on each plant and I have already harvested five...
  3. M

    No new growth...2 months

    We just got through a 110° heat wave. I wanted to make sure that this guy is still kicking and watered just prior to this pic. I will try to stop watering for a touch though as the peppers I have need some heat anyways. :D
  4. M

    No new growth...2 months

    Ground is saturated so that I can water between timer irrigation.  I just added some fertilizer three days ago for the third time this season.  That said, I have seen crisped plants from too much fertilizer, so if anything I am light handed with it.     I am perplexed with this.  All of my other...
  5. M

    No new growth...2 months

    For some reason, my two year old plant isn't pushing any new growth. I kept it through the winter under cover, but it still go a touch of frost which killed off the top portion. This spring, April, I depotted it and put it into the raised beds. It has looked the exact same since I put it in...
  6. M

    food My lady's heated foodcation

    Going all the way, just to make sure that I am content when she returns and it's back to rabbit food. Those pork tacos were awesome for lunch today. Holy moly, I should have been posting in The Drunken chef last night. That said, my inebriated self somehow allowed my inner chef to come to the...
  7. M

    food My lady's heated foodcation

    So I made up a porkiness delight this evening. Although I made up all those others last night, I felt that i should make up something Mexicany. So pork tacos it is. I made the meat tonight and will eat the tacos tomorrow or the next day. The hottest homegrown peppers are the last pics and...
  8. M

    food My lady's heated foodcation

    Said hotdog pics, using the homemade bread and a little of the above hot sauce. ZOIKS! Lets you know that you are alive.
  9. M

    food My lady's heated foodcation

    Day two begins! I felt that since I am going to be swamped all week with work that I would get a little ahead of the game. Sorry for the cellphone pics. First I started by baking a loaf of bread that can be used later this evening for a hotdog and then later in the week for a sandwich or two...
  10. M

    food My lady's heated foodcation

    time for a fresh beer and seconds on dinner...I eat really well, but I only get these meals once a year, so this is super special for me and the Jack Russel. Time to watch scary movies too! decided to swap to white wine for the shrimps. Delicious none the less It is but day one of foodcation...
  11. M

    food My lady's heated foodcation

    alright, it is on my plate but here are the updates. I used Diablo peppers and habanero from the garden then some store boughts. Made up the zuchini, red pepper sauce and shrimp Drank a beer or two... Plated up with my beer along side...oh yeah!!!!!!
  12. M

    food My lady's heated foodcation

    You gotta be kidding me! Already changed the sheets like ten minutes after she left so that I can have freshly laundered bed tonights all to myself. It was some odd 102 today, so I cranked the A/C in the bedroom to get those things freezing! And for the drinking part, that is well under way...
  13. M

    food My lady's heated foodcation

    So my girlfriend heads out of town and I get to have whatever I want while gone. She can't do shellfish so I go gangbusters with shrimp, oysters, mussels, crabs...pretty much shellfish (or pork) every night. Then there is the playing with food. New salsas, new pasta recipes, try a different...
  14. M

    food The Drunken Chef

    It is doing me well today for sure. It has some spice to it! I love B&G anytime and it works great as a dinner item. Just think of it like SOS or something of the sort. I will admit, I chose this over my shrimp burrito for lunch today :dance:
  15. M

    food The Drunken Chef

    I would like to thank first of all God. Without you I couldn't have done this. Then my parents, followed by all of the little people I crushed along the way. Lastly that homeless guy on the corner who hit my ex girlfriend. You sir, I thank the most. PS...Pandora can be mighty sporatic at...
  16. M

    food The Drunken Chef

    The next steps and listening to Pandora, featuring The Section Quartet, No One Knows. Strings to a little Queens of the Stonage. Or is it now a little groovy dance discoesque music from the Swedish left-Coast by Plej? Who can tell...
  17. M

    food The Drunken Chef

    Guess who's coming to dinner? *click for bigger
  18. M

    food The Drunken Chef

    Yeah, I thought about the cheese and decided against it
  19. M

    food The Drunken Chef

    Just to start out by saying I have never heard that "any port in the storm" applied that way. I will use it in the very near future. So it has been a bit since I posted here, probably close to eight months. I have been lurking. Anyways, last year the girlfriend left town for a bit and I got...