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  1. jbarnes5

    New to Pepper Growing

    It could be the cold at night, I know that always shocked our plants in VA. I don't have experience with planted stationary peppers but you might want to research insulation techniques. I know there are certain solutions for making sure cold outside temperatures don't affect plants too much...
  2. jbarnes5

    New to Pepper Growing

    Welcome! I live in Miami now but used to grow peppers in Virginia. Biggest thing for your situation is to watch out for lower temperatures. Anything below 65 and we'd move our peppers inside for the night (assuming you're growing in pots). Outside of that with your experience you probably...
  3. jbarnes5

    Hi from Arizona, new grower!

    I live in Miami and like me you shouldn't have a problem getting enough sun in AZ. I only just started growing in south Florida (from Virginia originally) and so far my biggest issue has been hydration and pests. Just keep them watered and get yourself any kind of vegetable pesticide that has...
  4. jbarnes5


    What kind of nutrients have you all had success with? I have a scotch bonnet and three naga jolokias I just started using fish emulsion on...any other recommendations? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. jbarnes5

    Bug problem

    Apparently the "Neem" oil spray I've been getting is only 0.99% that common and/or should I be looking for something with a higher concentration? I can google that but I wanted to hear everyone's thoughts. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. jbarnes5

    Bug problem

    Generally speaking what kinds of insecticides do you guys like to use? Specifically, I've been having a big problem with those tiny and powdery white-flies on my ghost and scotch bonnet plants. These guys have been setting up shop on the underside of the leaves and I haven't been able to win...
  7. jbarnes5

    Novice Grower

    Hey everyone, I'm a novice grower that's been "growing peppers" for several years but I'm looking to get serious about it. I'd like to do more than just pour water into dirt that happens to have a pepper plant growing in it. I'm looking for tips on everything; nutrition, water...
  8. jbarnes5

    pests (prehensile) Soapy Pepper Spray for aphids/white flies

    Yeah I just had my plant in a pot in front of a window mostly, no lighting setup, irrigation, or anything like that, I only got about 15 peppers which I've been told is a low yield. Also, I didn't have a whitefly problem until I brought my plant outside one time to get some sun. Also...
  9. jbarnes5

    pests (prehensile) Soapy Pepper Spray for aphids/white flies

    I'd ask the forums about all of that, all I can comment on is the fish immulsion I used for nutrition, and like I said it worked like a charm. Also, just a couple times dipping below 80 can hold your pepper back a great deal. I had a similar problem and I ended up bringing my 7 pot pepper...
  10. jbarnes5

    pests (prehensile) Soapy Pepper Spray for aphids/white flies

    I think somebody above mentioned too much soap can dry out your plant, try using an organic pesticide. Also, with the lack of pepper production, how are your temperatures? I know you want at least 80-90 degrees for the plant to thrive (and produce peppers). After that check your nutrients...
  11. jbarnes5

    pests (prehensile) Soapy Pepper Spray for aphids/white flies

    Yeah its an indoor plant so the ants and lady bugs might not work out :) but I'm going to check out those other suggestions. I have to make a whole indoor setup too though, I'd been sunning it by a window and taking it out occasionally. With the weather now I need to buy a grow light, etc...
  12. jbarnes5

    pests (prehensile) Soapy Pepper Spray for aphids/white flies

    I've read a lot of posts from people talking about a soap-based peppers spray they use to take care of pests and wanted to know exactly what it was. Recently I read a post by Prehensile about a problem he had with some neglected plants, which was solved by this "Soapy Pepper Spray." I took my...
  13. jbarnes5

    Developing Whitefly problem

    I have a 7 Pot pepper plant that's recently developed a whitefly problem. Does anyone have any tips for eradication/prevention specific to whitefly they can offer me? So far I've been using this Earthtone Insect Control spray and while the infestation hasn't gotten any worse it hasn't killed...
  14. jbarnes5

    water Watering question, 7 Pot Pepper

    I'm about to transplant my 7 Pot pepper into a bigger pot, after I get the plant in the new pot should I water the plant to help it settle in? I watered it the day before yesterday with fish emulsion if that matters. Also, if you have any extra tips about transplanting please let me know...
  15. jbarnes5

    What are these?!!!

    I second that, stink bugs. As far as getting rid of the rest there are a lot of 'organic' pesticides you can use that won't harm your plant or taint it.
  16. jbarnes5

    Bhut shriveled leaves...

    So you're saying that the shriveled leaves are an indication the plant needs a bigger pot rather than too much [sunlight]? I have the same thing going on with my 7 pot in places. It's producing a lot of peppers but I was wondering if I had to get it a larger pot.
  17. jbarnes5

    harvesting Harvesting Seeds

    When you want to harvest seeds from a pod you've grown should you start the growing process with them ASAP or can you throw them in a container and hang on to them for a little bit? Any other tips on seed harvesting would be appreciated too!
  18. jbarnes5

    pics 7 Pot Pepper pics

    Yeah, the greenery I bought my plant from refer to it as "7 pot." They said it's because people used to say you could spice up 7 pots of chili with one pepper. Although if that were the case i think it would be called 5 or 10 pot chili because people think in 5's and 10's...7 is a kind of...
  19. jbarnes5

    pics 7 Pot Pepper pics

    For the most part I was keeping them outdoors and would only bring them in if it got too cold at night. That's one of the things I'm starting to worry about, we're getting colder temperatures and less sunlight in my area. Hopefully in the next week I can get them to soak up as much sun as...
  20. jbarnes5

    pics 7 Pot Pepper pics

    I've been told that the size and yield is pretty low for a 7 Pot (about 15 peppers), but considering they were grown in less than ideal conditions (colder temperatures), and it's my first crack at this caliber of pepper I'm just happy I've got peppers period. A couple questions though: 1. I...